
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ammanas · 1

My first published deck ;)

I had this crazy idea of a Leadership deck where you pump 1 ally and let him do the work, while you keep him alive. While initially the deck had 1 Avenger Ally (Iron Man) it was unstable and thus the end result looks like you see.

At the moment of making the deck I had access to everything up till Ant-Man pack except for Red Skull expansion. There are some great cards there that would fit into the deck and will update it when I get them.

Game plan
Basically a combo deck - find one of your Avengers allies, pump him with upgrades, smash the villain with your pumped ally. You run against the threat clock. You can occasionally thwart the scheme to delay the clock but do it only when needed.

Allies tips

  • Iron Man is your ideal ally to bring out - all upgrades cost 0 on him and can easily stay online whole game, and between First Aid, Get Ready and Inspiring Presence you can keep him alive and attacking 1-3 times a turn for several turns in a row.
  • Black Cat is your Honorary Avenger target (so you can stick Power Gloves on her), but even with only Inspired she is great smashing value
  • Ant-Man & Ronin are other Avengers targets for full upgrade suit - Ronin being a better one of the pair
  • Nick Fury - usually grabs 3 cards so you can dig to your combo faster, plus a hit&block body
  • Mockingbird - here to stall villain attacks (to give you more time to dig into the combo pieces)

Beat solo:

  • Expert Rhino w/ Bomb Scare
  • Expert Klaw w/ Masters
  • Expert Ultron w/ Under Attack - this was my first ever solo win vs this scenario and the reason why I decided to publish the deck and couple of words describing it.

Other thoughts
Card pool: Deck is 44 cards, which I hate but wasn't convinced what to cut from it. Initially the deck had 46 cards (the one I get the above results with). But for published version I cut the only 2 cards I never used - Helicarrier and Quincarrier. Web-Shooters are all you need, really.
Hero Choice: I chose Spider-Man as the carrier for the deck idea mainly because: (1) his signature ally can stay in the game virtually indefinitely, (2) can take a lot of attacks into the face (or ideally, avoid them with Backflips) while you take your time to build the ally. It might be that there are better choices, especially ones with signature Avenger allies - I'm eager to hear your ideas on this.

Thanks and have fun!