Falcon & Scarlet Witch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DanP1925 · 17

Falcon takes flight


Before the release of Captain America : Brave New World I wanted to create a deck around Falcon.

Main Strategy

Falcon has the ability to look at the top 3 cards. So which hero combos well with that? Yes, Scarlet Witch. It is specially useful with Hex Bolt. Knowing beforehand which 3 card are you going to discard lets you decide in advance when to use Scarlet Witch's Crest.

Card Choices


  • Falcon: The card that the deck is build around. It has good stats but having cost 4 is a bit expensive. The most important part is the info of the encounter deck that you obtain whenever it enters play. The threat removal is just a plus.
  • Rapid Response: Since Falcon activates whenever it enters play this card is a good way to repeat the ability without having to pay 4 resources every time. I tested it with 2 of them and I always had one on board. 3 was too much and 1 was not enough
  • Make the Call: It lets you recover Falcon and any other allies if they are already on your discard pile. I decided to have more allies instead of having 3 make the calls to have more options to return from the discard pile.

Mystic Cards


I decided to use avengers cards because both Scarlet Witch and Falcon are Avengers. Also, the allies that I decided to use have abilities that activate when they enter play so they can combo with Rapid Response and Make the call too.



Jan 24, 2025 andyr · 9878

i love a good deck based off of a comic theme! thanks for posting.