Ironheart - Brawny Sidekick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ELFersten · 2

With an ally who can already attack for 3, why not beef it up to 5, give him a few more HP, and then make him a sidekick. Then, depending how many Side-by-Side events you can play in a round, Brawn can attack for 6, 7, or 8.

Ironheart has long been my favorite hero, and this is my favorite deck for Riri. Call for Backup will bring Brawn to the table at no cost. Sidekick and Reinforced Suit will increase his HP to 7 while Inspired and Sidearm with give him an extra 2 attack.

Although Brawn may win the most-valuable-ally award, Beast will bring a Stroke of Genius to your hand, Moon Girl and Nick Fury will draw more cards, and Black Panther can tuck a Side-by-Side until you're ready to use it at the right time.

This deck has gone against some of the toughest expert villains. Once Ironheart is in stage 3, and Brawn is in play as her sidekick, Riri is unstoppable.