Seeing Red [ROTRS Expert Campaign Victor]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bigfleet · 1

How it Works

Tony's Deck

Tony Stark has a hand size of 6. A hard mulligan sees 12. Futurist brings it to 15. So you have a 3 in 8 chance to start with Arc Reactor turn one, giving you a free thwart for 4 every turn. Allow me to recommend that!

  • Repulsor Blast is blank, it's a resource.
  • Supersonic Punch gets used to close games, if/when it's drawn.
  • Pepper Potts is one of the better econ cards in the game, especially if you can pay for her with a basic resource card and get a rebate of 2 right away.
  • Stark Tower has a variable value profile. If you hard mulled for the Arc Reactor and didn't find it (or got it down already), it can be an interesting play early, because you can discard gear pieces with Futurist, and then bring them to hand to play or pay. On the other hand, there is a hard cap on how many turns that you are going to spend in alter-ego, and it's not that much higher than two....

The Rest of the Story

Apart from that, the Nick Fury / Rapid Response / Make the Call package (alongside Get Ready) is a good in any blue deck. In the Red Skull campaign, the idea is always to stabilize as Iron Man as quick as you can, and then find a way to get your Mark V Armor down before the show is over to get back to a healing target (because your 3 REC certainly won't). Vision and Goliath are exceptional targets to close a game, and Hawkeye and the campaign allies are always worth playing.

Tony is rich, and having as many choices to help She-Hulk pay for her cards was a useful dynamic.

Quinjet didn't work. Even with a deck with this many allies, it just doesn't rise above the opportunity costs. It seems like good value when you put it in your deck, but honestly you never say "but what I really need is a good ally three turns from now."

Ready for Action worked pretty well. With this combination, I think it worked. If I was playing it with green Black Widow, I might have preferred Inspiring Presence to get a little more offensive mileage, but with red She-Hulk, the additional defense was pretty clutch at times with Nick wasn't flying around.

Campaign Notes

Taskmaster was the biggest problem for this pair, with the threat mitigation requiring hero mode, and the constant health pressure on Tony once he's there. She-Hulk does flip on occasion, so it did take more than one try.

If I were to run this again, I'd find room for a First Aid or two. Certainly I'd have played it more than Quinjet.

With my first campaign bogging down on Zola, I was worried, but She-Hulk played Hall of Heroes early, and killed everything in sight!

Campaign Specifics

  • Basic Thwart Upgrade
  • Tactical Scanner
  • Moon Knight
  • Shang-Chi