Card draw simulator
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Crimson Dawn | 13 | 9 | 11 | 1.0 |
Cannonball's Run (Legal 2.0) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 |
Dayspring · 160
Edit- first comment points it out.... but Sidekick can't be played on Cannonball. pretty safe to house rule this one for funsies because the deck is not exactly powerful.
They didn't give us a Cannonball Hero.
The playboy bird of death is great and all, but the indestructible man with a rocket butt is way cooler. So here is a deck that is focused on making Cannonball the star. Is it the best Side-Kick deck out there? Not even close. Angel is an S-Tier contender with his included Psylocke as sidekick. X-23 still has the gold standard near game breaking Sidekick deck... BUT it is still fun to play with ol' "I'm nigh invulnerable while I'm blasting!".
So here is how it works.
Mulligan for anything that gets you closer to Cannonball on the table with Sidekick attached. Suit Up is your best option. Priority two is Techno-Organic Wings.
Once you have these out, everything else is icing on your southern rocket cake. (Sam Guthrie is from the south).
The goal is this. The deck has a lot of Aerial cards. Your fist should be full of them at the start of each player phase. Cannonball aka BoosterShorts can activate without consequential damage because of this. So stack upgrades on him like Inspired & Sidearm then use Side-by-Side, and do it again. Throw a Get Ready in there for another one, or if you are feeling resource rich try Air Supremacy. Between Techno-Organic Wings and Side-by-Side Angel will be having a good time too.
The rest of the allies can come out if you want them, but angel has a lot of sweet kit cards that will likely be higher priority. Having Suit Up show up after CrotchRocket is already in play feels bad. So use it to fetch a different Ally and the Reinforced Suit that doesn't fit Guthrie. Psylocke is a great choice always as she and Angel are great together.
Player side schemes.
I like them in here. They help get things to the table and make people groan less in Multiplayer when you play a Cannonball themed deck. The bitter pill of having to listen to you talk about that time that ol'JetPants trounced Gladiator will go down easier if they all get to pull out a favorite Ally, or Upgrade.
BUT The player side schemes can be removed and the deck still does fine. Arguable quicker as it increases odds on Aerial cards in hand.
I love the idea here, but Cannonball can't be a sidekick, he's not your signature ally, only Psylocke can be the sidekick. I think you could use this deck to fuel them both, though, but maybe add some more upgrades to support both and not just cannonball? Also, Uncanny XMen might be a nice addition if you're in a team where you mostly need to thwart.