Rey Plays Games · 324
Here's a deck I'm running for my weekly playthroughs on REY PLAYS GAMES!
What better hero than Colossus to hone my playing skills by really diving deep into his kit to see what he is capable of!
Comrades in Arms
So with Colossus' low initial thwarting ability, he needs help from his friends to look after the cerebral side of things whilst he can focus on clobbering. Though she may not seem like a candidate, I've found using Sidekick on Shadowcat quite effective as Kitty has pretty decent base stats of 2/2/3. Add Sidekick to the mix, and attach the likes of Inspired and Danger Room Training and all of a sudden you have an ally that has 4/4/6 AND can bypass crisis icons, patrol and guard....pretty powerful! Kitty also gains a further +1hp if you have Uncanny X-Men in play too...
Paired up with Kitty as another thwarting powerhouse is Professor X . You can also be sure to recur him often (as he finds himself in the discard pile immediately after a round) with Make the Call Piotr has two allies that should allow you to handle schemes and flip down if need be.
Beast is added for his thwarting as well as his ability to gain resources (typical for any use of Hank, really); Forge will get you either a resource or the opportunity to play either Utopia or The X-Jet; Pixie gives you a chance to being your allies out and lastly I've found Synch really useful in just keeping on the table (like Kitty) to boost your stats for that extra push. By keeping Synch and Kitty out, you also ensures you have at least a double resource when you draw Band Together.
Mirage also has decent thwart and the chance to stun your villain, whilst I added the reliable Beak for his potential burst of thwarting before becoming a chump blocker.
A copy of Call for Backup is also never wasted as it insures you that you can go grab an ally if needed..especially if you have Professor X or an amped Shadowcat out who can complete the player side scheme in one hit.
Minimal Events
I've only included a couple of aspect events as I'm using allies to thwart and Piotr's hero cards are already good for both attack and defence (I.e Bulletproof Protector and Organic Steel giving you toughs). Make the Call is massively powerful to recur your allies as previously mentioned, and there's even a case to maybe play three of them in the deck and reduce Side-by-Side.
I do like Side-by-Side, however it is situational as you need to have Kitty as a Sidekick...but if you do, always be sure to play Side-by-Side if you can...with Kitty's amped up stats, and Piotr's amped stats from Synch, you could be looking at a total of 16-18ATK or 14-16THWT between the two of them!
Finally it can't be stressed that Uncanny X-Men be played when it can..reducing each future ally cost by 1 and adding +1hp to all allies is invaluable to ensure that Piotr is never alone out there... He has for a long time been considered the heart of the team, but there is no heart without the body...and pairing him with a solid X-Men team of allies just completes the whole package.
Nov 14, 2024 |
Nov 14, 2024Looks cool, I'll give it a try! |
Nov 21, 2024Heya wehehe! Thanks for playing the deck!:) and yes Moira would be a great addition... maybe as a 41st card...? But yeah, flipping down should be a regular so Moira just makes sense!:) Thanks for the kind words...I love playing Colossus!:) |
Nov 21, 2024Heya Brian! Let me know what you think!:).. I've been building a few Colossus decks recently..trying to get under his (steel) skin :p |
Loving it. I've just playtested it against Expert Mutagen Formula and it cleared so easily. I haven't thought in Shadowcat with Sidekick and she is so great. With Cyclops and Phoenix from Magneto pack this gets even better !
With Piotr being a hero who likes going to alter ego, and Sidekick being an archetype which also likes it, haven't you considered a copy of Moira MacTaggert? I think you could benefit a lot from it. (Also, I use to play a copy of Build Support in Astonishing X-Men decks, just to have a way to fetch it faster. Anyway, I'm not sure of what could be replaced, the deck seems very well rounded right now.