Protect the Badger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Honey Badger Don't Give a S#!^ 130 111 15 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

pinkerton · 71

This is a copy of Honey Badger Don't Give a S#!^ deck with a few changes since I don't have all the cards!

I will add my thoughts on how to play this deck and the strengths and weaknesses I have found so far.

You want to get Honey Badger in play ASAP. Try to mulligan for her or a Suit Up and once you have her as your sidekick use its full potential with Side-by-Side and Game Time these cards will give you great turns and also allow some sustain on your ally.

As upgrades aimed for her, this is my priority: Sidekick > Danger Room Training > Inspired > Reinforced Suit > Leadership Skill

Professor X is here to take care of the missing thwarting, pick him up with Pixie every time you can (unless Badger is on the discard pile). Badger gives the Professor's ability to ready an X-Men more value than usual, I found myself picking that option more than I expected.

You won't be able to use X-Gene every turn, since it only allows you to play Claw Mastery or Regenerative Longevity but I still feel it is a great value card.

Rally the Troops could be seen as a bad pick since you will only be healing Badger, but I think thinning the deck and having it there for an emergency in case Badger needs it is more than enough.

