
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sairyx · 1

Ice-pool is designed to take every advantage of readying him multiple times a round as well as using every hazard symbol possible to hit hard or scheme as available. His natural defenses as well as Barely a Scratch should reduce how often you defend.

Team-Building Exercise and The X-Jet will help get cards out quick and should be prioritized. All allies benefit as well as a grand total of 18 cards can benefit from this cost reduction.

The combo Live Dangerously + Symbiote Suit + Laser Swords grants Ice-pool a 7 attack (More if an Aggression ally buffs you or you gain Specialized Training (not in this version, so either from an ally or modifying this deck). Using Utopia, Cryokinetic Perception, Stick-To-Itiveness (paid by Enhanced Physique) & Professor X you could optimally ready 4 times hitting for a massive 35 just from basic attacks while simultaneously giving the boss -5 Att/-5 Thw from Freeze.

Lets not forget 'Pool Inspection or 'Da Bomb (protected by Barely a Scratch), throwing out major thwarting or nuking the field with high damage.

Healing Factor and Triage will help mitigate any damage that slips by allowing for Self Confidence/Self Control/Self Preservation to help cover some of the expensive cost cards.

Alternate considerations: I had originally not included Energy/Genius/Strength opting for the pool variants. But on a bad run where you take too much damage the pool versions lose their effectiveness. If you drop these you could consider adding the following

This is my first published hero, looking forward to any suggestions and feedback.