Choose your Hand

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neris · 19

My first deck posted.

Magik manipulates the top of the deck and allows you to retrieve her cards from the discard pile. The purpose of this deck is to allow her to increase her hand during the turn and make even more plays per activation. Cards like Spiritual Meditation, Wolfsbane, Nick Fury, Cypher, One Way or Another and Skilled Investigator allow for these draws while the rest of the kit helps with threat removal and a bit of damage, If necessary, use Specialized Training to gain even more card draw per turn and Under Surveillance to save time in the main scheme (mainly on solo).

Using confused with Upside the Head, Exorcism and Mockingbird to assist Cypher. The deck deals with threat so it lacks damage and despite having some allies to help, in battles against villains with many minions it can be difficult to deal with.

Colossus will be used mainly for defense, recovering it with Stepping Disc(another focus is to take Scrying to maintain the deck's momentum). The objective of Triageis to recover Magik and perhaps Legion, if you wish you can exchange it for another ally such as Blindfold, Marvel Girl or Dazzler.

Let me know your opinions on this deck and how to improve it. Thank you :)


Apr 04, 2024 andyr · 5560

Dude, this is a great deck! I love the thought and combos that are in it. This is a solid Justice Magik!