

Cost: 0.

당신의 아이덴티티에게 신비주의자 특성이 있을 때만 플레이합니다.

행동: 카드 2장을 뽑습니다. 당신의 손에서 카드 1장을 선택해 버립니다.

"모든 마법, 모든 표지, 모든 조정… 말 그대로 모든 것에 신경 써야 역효과가 생기는 것을 막을 수 있지."
Morry Hollowell, Steve McNiven, & Dexter Vines
Age of Apocalypse #52.
영혼 명상

If you have a mystic identity this card is worth considering. It is has an effective cost of two cards (Played Card + Discard Card) for the benefit of drawing two cards. Because the discard is after the draw phase, it will allow you to cycle and keep cards you want in your hand.

Another interesting addition is that this an "Action" card. This means you could play it in either alter-ego or ego

SDx · 40