Spider-Woman Thwart Machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tressegu · 1

This deck is all about a single neglected card: Morale Boost

I used this deck to close out my campaign against Red Skull. The thwart potential each turn is unbeatable, especially once both Beat Cop are on the scene. The idea is to use cheap allies, and cheap events to ramp up your base stats for big attacks or big thwarts.

Allies: Hawkeye was clutch, being able to ping away pesky tough status cards, and get around guard. Maria Hill and Squirrel Girl are the grunts meant to show up for their enters play effects and then jump in front of attacks so you don't have to defend constantly. Quake is a great way to deal with the awful minions that may be popping up, though she doesn't get too much use in solo play.

Events: In addition to Spider-Woman's set of amazing events, I included Clear the Area as another cheap Justice card that can net you another card if timed just right. Really the meat of the deck is in the Leadership events. Strength In Numbers allows you to keep Hawkeye, Quake, and Captain Marvel on the board longer while also filling up your hand to find other aspects to play. Teamwork has the same benefit while also making your attacks hit harder. Morale Boost is literally another instance of Spider-Woman's Superhuman Agility; for a single resource, you net +2 to all of her stats. This puts her potential max at 6 (more with upgrades).

Supports and Upgrades: Beat Cop needs no explanation for its inclusion. However, it is the most expensive card in the deck after Captain Marvel, so I included The Power of Justice just to ensure I could afford that kind of tempo hit (plus the extra resources can come in handy if you rescued any allies from Taskmaster). Interrogation Room is always useful, but did not always see play. If it was the only Justice card I could afford that round, it went to the board for the stat boost, but it could easily be replaced with some other Justice card. Heroic Intuition just makes Spider-Woman the absolute best thwarting hero in the game. Finally, Skilled Investigator is now my second favorite Justice card. It is free to play, and fairly easy to trigger in most scenarios, which just means you are going to be drawing lots of cards. Against Red Skull, I did not miss not having a Mansion to help out as Skilled Investigator managed to trigger practically every round.