Thundering Tarantulas! This dream is changing before my eyes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hudsonc636 · 33

Having initially used the pure Rise of the Red Skull Spider-Woman deck a few times now through the Campaign. I, as a few others are loving the deck building options and challenge that is presented by Spider-Woman's two aspect ability.

This deck has been created in the attempt to maximize the value of Spider-Woman's Superhuman Agility. Whether it be in attempting to defend a team mate and reset for the next round or by finding additional ways to use the increased DEF and ATK in one round.

On reflection I considered Protection to be the best aspect to take advantage of the mutual increase in ATK and DEF. As Counter-Punch allows Spider-Woman to defend an attack with a DEF stat of 3 or higher hopefully and "Counter-Punch" with an equal ATK stat. With Electrostatic Armor adding to this damage.

Initially I wanted to support this Defensive Spider-Woman strategy with Aggression. However, I found I had a constant internal struggle to decide. Do i user her defensively towards the end of this round or leave her stood up for an aggressive next round. Therefore, I moved away from Aggression and considered Leadership and Justice.

My test into Leadership found me wanting to divert back down an aggressive route as an increase in allies saw great opportunities to not defend with them. I just wanted use Spider-Woman's basic attack instead and that wasn't buying into the full potential of Superhuman Agility as I detailed in my opening.

So, having already used Spider-Woman's great Justice options in pure Rise of the Red Skull Campaigns it was easy to change focus to Justice. However, as i begun to focus on Justice I realized that this will now be a Support Spider-Woman build.

Adding The Power of Justice and For Justice! was an easy sell as together they give great scheme control. However, adding any of "The Power" cards eats deck space and needs to have multiple cards that cost 2 or more in that aspect to justify the add. So with Inconspicuous, Clear the Area and Skilled Investigator wanting deck space the Justice Card count was increasing. Beat Cop has been great since being added in the Hulk Expansion. With Quake adding the option to hit Scheming Minions, it was all about balancing the quantity of Protection and Justice cards.

As a fan of Med Team as an option to extend the number of turns you spend in Hero mode as you can delay needing Recovery focused rounds, I struggled to find The Power of Protection targets that added value to the deck. So apart from adding the repeatable defensive ally Clea I settled only adding 1x The Power of Protection as the targets are limited. Speak to me in 5 minutes and i'll tell you this is wrong and "The Power" cards should be either 2 or 0. But, even in the test before i write this i found value in using The Power of Protection to cheapen a play of Clea a second time before my deck was exhausted and reset!

I have now settled on 42 cards as strove to balance out the Protection and Justice aspect card quantities and it is in that balance and quantity i look to the staple cards of Down Time and Endurance to consider if their value remains. At the moment they do... However, it is in wanting to add cards such as Unflappable that if the aspect balance requirement wasn't there i would probably have dropped Down Time.

Anyway here is where I am at the moment and in using this Support focused Spider-Woman alongside Leadership Hawkeye and/or Aggressive Hulk or Thor in either a Campaign or one off Multiplayer Scenario has been excellent.

It'd be great to know if anyone else is trying to use a Counter-Punching Support Spider-Woman?