This Is Gonna Hurt

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 532

I may have slowed down but I haven't stopped. Next in my series of off meta/hero is this Spider-Ham aggression deck. I had the same issue with Spider-Ham as I did with Dr. Strange in how do I make it feel unique to him, and honestly this isn't my best effort but it is very much a viable deck if only because of how strong Spider-Ham is their selves.

This deck is just about about jacking up Spider-Ham's attack and swinging hard. Use Combat Training Huge Wooden Hammer and Warrior of the Great Web to increase your attack and take shots.

This deck has a lot of your basic Web Warrior package with Web of Life and Destiny and Across the Spider-Verse, which by the way don't forget Spider-Ham is a player and who else is going to have the economy to drop 6 for 2 allies? Spider-Man is there for the readies SP//dr for the Web of Life and Destiny cycle.

So what makes this a Spider-Ham deck and not just a Web Warrior Aggression deck? Well the key cards are Battle Fury Endurance and Toe to Toe. Battle Fury is there for an extra ready to swing and getting a resource out of it as well. Endurance because you want to take as many shots as possible. Finally Toe to Toe to get even more out of those attacks.

This deck has by far the most PSS that I have ever used. Build Support has a few targets in The Daily Beagle Team-Building Exercise. While Superpower Training should target Organic Webbing first. Locked and Loaded could easily be cut as it only has 1 target in Huge Wooden Hammer but it would get more value if you want to swap in Hand Cannon.

Precision Strike is there for some damage and maybe healing but if you against a minion heavy scenario consider swapping it out for Moment of Triumph.