Cost: 0.

Action Search your deck for a weapon upgrade and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

"I've been looking forward to this!." - Venom
Rodrigo Catraca
Venom(베놈) #4. Venom #5.
Locked and Loaded

Why would you not use this card everytime you draw it? It replaces itself, it is free, it is an action so you can use in hero or ae and it searches any weapon that you need. Great card for any Venom deck.

Clintparker13 · 120
Why not use it all the time? Venom especially needs specific resources to fuel other cards. You may not have another weapon in the deck. You may not have room to play another weapon, and don't want to deck out as quickly. I mean, there's plenty of reasons why not. But every time this card gets played, all I hear is: https://youtube.com/watch?v=WE4BemZzJkw&feature=share7 — szrlm · 4