Spider-Woman - Stun Lock - Aggression/Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

fritz · 1

So my copy of Rise of the Red Skull hasn't come in yet. I have been theory building my Spider-Woman Deck I want to use for expert campaign. While I haven't played it yet, I think I will enjoy this deck a lot. As opposed to a lot of decks which try to build up a board state, I am trying to prevent a villain board state from being built with lots of events. Basic ideas of the deck are there are 9 copies of cards that can stun or confuse the villain: Iron Fist Mockingbird Pheromones x2 Tackle x3 Drop Kick x2. This can be followed up by Press the Advantage to get extra card draw once the villain has been stunned/confused. Jarnbjorn is there utilize any additional resources at the end of the turn.

Some cards I think will be confusing compared to other cards I see in Spider-Woman decks currently, so let me explain them. Down Time and Momentum Shift are both used to heal Spider-Woman so she can hopefully be full health before facing the next villain in expert campaign mode. If Skilled Strike is a good card at 0 cost for 2 attack, it is even better card for Spider-Woman, as it becomes 0 cost for 3 attack. Same logic on Counter-Punch except we get to raise both attack and defense with the card. It doesn't hurt that all of these cards are which can be used on Jarnbjorn, Tackle and Drop Kick.