Cable - Overclocked

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
(Over)Killer Bee - Wasp Aggression 25 21 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

BigMike · 55

This is heavily inspired by (Over)Killer Bee - Wasp Agression by journeyman2.

This deck focuses on Cable's incredibly strong attacks to keep the board free of minions while still blasting the vilain in the face. Cable's damage is made of strong attacks against a single target. What if you made those attacks even stronger and then slapped on some overkill to top it off? You'd get this deck.

Why what does stuff

The idea behind this build works around attack events that often end up generating excess damage, namely Telekinetic Blast and Into the Fray. The rest of the deck revolves around amplifying that excess damage to get the most out of cards like Moment of Triumph or the aforementioned Into the Fray. Lets break it down.

First, you'll need to be facing minions. Against minion-heavy encounters it's not a problem but when they are a bit more scarce, Looking for Trouble is there to pull them in so you can go all wombo combo on them. It is also one of the tools used to keep the main scheme in check.

The next step is to Marked the minion to grant overkill to all attacks targeting them. This is the catalyst of this setup.

Telekinetic Blast is your heavy hitter. Its base 6 damage is increased by the number of PSS in the victory display with no ceiling other than how many PSS you are ready to put into your deck. At 4 schemes in the display, you hit 10 damage. In the late stages of the game, it'll reach 12, maybe 13 damage. This should generate a ton of excess damage against most minions.

Into the Fray is a great tool to deal with minions while keeping the main scheme under control. The more excess damage, the more threat removed.

Follow Through serves as your excess damage amplifier. It takes your Telekinetic Blast to around 15 damage at full force and Into the Fray goes up to 9 damage. The even more excess damage, the even more threat removed.

Moment of Triumph is there to take advantage of all that excess damage and turn it into healing to keep you on the hero side longer. With the numbers you can reach, it can easily mean you'll go from 1HP to close to full health in a single shot.

That pretty much covers the overkill bit of the deck but there is one more tool to dish out damage in the arsenal , the Plasma Rifle. It starts out humble but once you have cleared a couple PSS it becomes a steady source of very decent damage. When maxed out you attack for 4 every turn at the cost of one energy ressource and that's what Graymalkin very appropriately provides you. When they are both in play, I usualy reserve the use of Graymalkin to pay for the Plasma Rifle. If it readies from a defeated side scheme all the better but it's there for that before anything else. That combo can quickly become a very steady source of damage that will help manage the minion population or weaken a strong minion to get maximum excess damage. With your Marked target left on a single hit point, you go for the big hit and take the vilain out with him.

Since we're engaging the topic of ressources, let's segue into it.

Deft Focus is there because almost all of the cards in Cable's set are superpowers. You get a lot of mileage out of this.

Helicarrier does what it does, lowering the cost of cards and helping them get on the board. This becomes a very nice target for Build Support if you've managed to get Graymalkin in play early on.

Speaking of Graymalkin, like I've mentionned before its main use should be to fuel the Plasma Rifle. Every now and then, the situation might need you to defend and using it for Askani'son is a nice way of getting more threat removal, possibly defeating a side scheme to ready up both Cable and Graymalkin.

Since this deck works around excess damage to minions, it feels natural to add the Hall of Heroes. Get minions, blast minions, get tokens, ???, profit!!!

Player Side Schemes

Cable means lots of PSS and this deck is no exception. There are seven of them to get the most from Telekinetic Blast and Mind Scan and the Professor is there to help you bring them out steadily.

My approach with Technovirus Purge is to play it first in the setup phase, especialy if you hold a Mind Scan in your starting hand. The way I see things, it is far more beneficial to get it out early as the basic power increase it gives Cable will allow him to defeat all the other PSS with a single use of his THW. This will get the rest of the PSS in the victory display much faster and help the deck get where it wants to be. Unless you get unlucky and reveal your obligation early in the game, it should be easy to clear the scheme again with a Mind Scan as it will be enhanced by your victory display. The benefits of having improved stats far outweigh the risk of losing them temporarily. Moreso, the later it happens in the game, the lesser the impact on your play.

If you really want to start with something other than TVP as your starting PSS, I recommend going with Lock and Load to get the Plasma Rifle out as early as possible.

Build Support fetch priority should be Graymalkin -> Helicarrier -> Hall of Heroes.

Superpower Training fetch priority should be Plasma Rifle -> Follow Through -> Askani'son -> Telekinetic Force Field

Establish Perimeter and Render Medical Aid are there for some defense and healing while Lay the Trap will grant you some extra damage.

Additional notes

The complete lack of allies means you will need to defend against attacks if you want to last long enough to setup your board. Thankfully, since your damage will mostly come from event cards, it is something you can easily afford. It takes a bit of time to get things going but once you've gained your momentum, nothing can stop you.