SP//dr Bite

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

So the next in my off meta is this SP//dr Aggression deck. Not really a surprise that aggression is the least published because web-warrior protection is just so good. It might seem crazy to not include any double resources, but her Sync Ratio more than makes up for it so I decided to lean into it.

Clobber is a great card for her. Pay for it with her Sync Ratio bounce it back into your hand then play it again or use it as a resource. Drop Kick though seemingly expensive, you should be able to hit the kicker to stun and draw a card. With 6 cards to stun the villain (and 1 for minions) Press the Advantage was a nice include. Feel free to kick up the damage on any of those events or even Web-Trap with Aggressive Energy.

As far as allies goes, Ghost-Spider to help fetch out All Systems Go! to help you set up or Rapid Deployment or Web-Trap depending on the situation. Everyone knows what Mockingbird can do by now. Spider-Man for another resource/card draw or a ready depending on the situation. Machine Man for those turns when you just don't have a turn to use all the resources from your Sync Ratio. and Spider-Ham because I've never really used him. Follow the staple of Web of Life and Destiny for any web-warrior.

Enraged and Spider-Ham are really more flex spots. Obviously kind of odd to leave out Spider-Man so feel free to slot him if you so desire. IF you're feeling kind of light on resources consider Digging Deep combos nicely with Aunt May & Uncle Ben.