Digging Deep Into the Tech Drawer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tripp · 14

Do you want to do draw three cards, put an ally into play, and deal 13 damage to an enemy all with one card? Digging Deep Through the Tech Drawer will give you the chance to achieve insane efficiency which might even lead to this combo! To make this build work, we are going to exploit the card Repulsor Blast as much as possible, making it possibly the best attack event in the entire game. Here is what we have done… the entirety of this deck is made up of and resources, so when you activate Repulsor Blast, you on average will be dealing 9 damage! And the crazy thing is that we have three copies of Repulsor Blast cycling through the deck! Also, these resources help us activate the action on Rocket Boots giving us easy access to the arial trait, so that we can get the full 8 damage out of Supersonic Punch. With the combined power of Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch in this deck, Iron Man from the start of the game, will be one of the highest damage dealing characters in all of Marvel Champions!

But how do we deal with Iron man’s stupid one hand size in hero form? Well it seems that the tech upgrades Electrostatic Armor, Energy Barrier, and Forcefield Generator were all made perfectly to solve this problem! Mulligan early to try to get any and every tech upgrade onto the table (Superpower Training helps with this). Because you will play them mostly for their plus 1 hand size, think of your tech upgrades as very cheap Avengers Mansions .

“But wait there’s more” because I saved the best for last! Iron Man’s alter ego action Futurist(”—Action: Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Add one to your hand and discard the others.”) and Repulsor Blast have gotten significantly better with the addition of two cards Digging Deep and White Fox. Because Repulsor Blast often discards Digging Deep and White Fox, your economy is greatly boosted! This economy lets you play more tech upgrades, increase your hand size, and soon lets you play more Repulsor Blast. This cycle continues until you quickly win the game.

The other few cards in this deck assure that Iron Man doesn’t die before you win. You have Establish Perimeter giving you a tough status card, Subdue making sure the villain doesn’t hit too hard, and Endurance giving you more health. Your other allies include Deadpool, Luke Cage and, Victor Mancha which help round out the deck. (As the game continues to expand, I hope that we can add more two cost resource allies into this build.) Lastly, to fill out theist four card slots, I have the doubles and one Deft Focus(I like this card)

Finally, the basic strategy for success is to get your hand size up to 5 so that you can start flip flopping from hero to alter ego form playing every Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch that you see. And hopefully you will find the one cost Titan killing event: draw three cards, put an ally into play and deal 13 damage to an enemy!


Sep 01, 2023 dr00 · 43766

also keep in mind that Repulsor Blast doesn't trigger with wild icons, since it checks for printed icons. but drawing extra resources and getting allies into play is very good! also Tony's Futurist ability can trigger them too. Digging Deep is such a great card for him to set up quickly. loving it with him.

Sep 02, 2023 Tripp · 14

Thank you for letting me know! I forgot about "printed" resources verses normal resources with wilds.