The Ultimate Team, to Solve the Ultimate Problems

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuacuani · 51

We're the Ultimates. The ultimate team, to solve the ultimate problems. And today... ...Today we're going to solve yours. So. Shall we get started?

I've been reading Al Ewing's Ultimates run and it's good. Really good cosmic Marvel nonsense if that's what you're into. So I've decided to make a deck with all the Ultimates in.

The Ultimates are kind of unique in that there's not a team leader per se - the team acts as more of a co-operative with joint decision-making. Captain Marvel and Black Panther could be the Hero for the deck but I've gone for Spectrum because Blue Marvel is her signature ally and so picking Carol or T'Challa would prevent using Dr Brashear. Given that there's not currently an America Chavez card, I didn't want to also miss out on Blue Marvel.

With one of the core themes of the Ultimates being this not needing of a leader, Teamwork is a thematic pick and helps shape what the deck is going to do - play big allies, boost their stats and then use those big stats to boost Monica's. With this plan, the ability to heal allies is useful so Inspiring Presence is in. Ready for Action and Team Training also help keep our allies around for longer. Inspired helps with the stat-boosting core of the deck.

The allies kind of pick themselves - we have to have Captain Marvel and Black Panther. As mentioned, Blue Marvel comes with our Hero kit and there's no America Chavez, but Giant-Man features in the comic a bit so I've included him.

Make the Call is always handy in decks with allies. Moxie seems a strong inclusion for Spectrum given that the Mad Titan's Shadow specifically says you can trigger it with your Gamma, Photon and Pulsar energy forms.

In the comics, the team is based out of The Triskelion so although it's probably not the strongest here, it is useful and makes thematic sense. Mighty Avengers is incredibly unthematic, but is good, has Monica on the art and we can meet the condition so just pretend it says The Ultimates in the title?

For maximum theme, play this deck against Thanos