She-Hulk - Red Lawyered

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jennifer Walters, Rules Lawyer 191 148 22 1.0
Inspiration for
She-Hulk - Red Lawyered 0 0 0 3.0
She-Hulk - Big D$ck Aggro 1 0 0 1.0

neothechosen · 10925

This deck takes after MegiDolaDyne's superb Rules Lawyer deck. If you don't know about it, check it out: Seriously good stuff!

The basic principle that makes this one click is the same: if you cannot stun the enemy, Superhuman Strength cannot fall off, offering you a huge ATK boost (RRG 1.5 opened the door to this interpretation).

Why Aggro?

I thought it would be fun to combo that with Quick Strike and Smash the Problem, with Drop Kick being our initial stun to get things going. With both Superhuman Strength and Combat Training, Quick Strike means 8 DMG and Smash the Problem, 8 THW! So, no worries on the thwart front.

Use Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Martial Prowess to help get the stun out of Drop Kick.

The Alter Ego game

While the deck does feature a little less stun options (no Iron Fist), it does have three confuses (Professor X, Psylocke) so you can revert more safely to AE, thus keeping the villain from attacking and losing its stun status card.

Going back to AE also means you get to play the classic "switch every turn" that lets you use She-Hulk / Jennifer Walters' abilities to her best (Superhuman Law Division, "I Object", "Do you even lift" when you flip back). I also threw in Assault Training that will let you shuffle any of your red event back in your deck, getting more Drop Kick, Quick Strike or Smash the Problem. Honestly I go back and forth between Assault Training and Limitless Stamina, your pick.

Early game

Of course, early game is always the trickiest, but Smash the Problem offers nice THW from the start. Put in play as many assets as possible, namely resource producing ones. Eventually you gain control of the board, put Superhuman Strength in play and benefit from the stuns to get things rolling. Keep those stuns in play by switching back and forth from Hero to AE.

There it is! Have fun!


Jul 05, 2023 journeyman2 · 26494

Great stuff neo! I’ve been playing a similar build but with Limitless Stamina and proxies of Now I’m Mad, The Direct Approach, Specialized Training, and Superpower Training. Like you said, the advantage of red is the better access to confuse and higher ATK threshold. Even EMH and Battle Fury are great! She-Hulk has gotten such a nice buff!!

Jul 05, 2023 neothechosen · 10925

@journeyman2 Thanks! Yeah I can't wait for those cards to come out, I expect they'll be great (but haven't proxied anything yet). Nice for She-Hulk to get such a boost too! Take care !

Jul 06, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 5872

Thanks for the shout. I definitely thought about building in Aggression, Drop Kick is one of the best stun cards on the market. I went with P because of the abundance of readying effects and access to Iron Fist, but there's a lot of merit to running Smash the Problem to make it even easier to keep your bonus.

Kind of funny that this Aggression deck is the more well-rounded list while my Protection deck is the more aggressive, big damage one.

Jul 06, 2023 VJakson · 197

Nice! I too have been messing around with Red She-Hulk and testing the new cards with it. I really liked quick strike and was having a tough time picking between emh and limitless and the quick strike/smash the problem options. I’ll have to give yours a whirl. You definitely have a much tighter build than where I am in testing. Nice work!

Jul 06, 2023 neothechosen · 10925

@MegiDolaDyne Thank you for the amazing idea! And yeah, kinda weird that protection has so many aggressive-feeling cards, but I'm not complaining!

@VJakson Thanks! All valid options, frankly, so don't hesitate sharing your list!

Sep 17, 2023 corbintm · 2522

Looks like a lot of fun. Any reason you didn't include Limitless Stamina? Could work well with Smash the Problem.

Sep 18, 2023 neothechosen · 10925

@corbintm Honestly I put Assault Training to get more Drop Kicks in case I need to re-stun the villain so Superhuman Strength won't fall off. Sometimes that felt unnecessary tough, so feel free to swap, I did on occasion.

Oct 23, 2024 Turbowombat · 34

I feel like this deck needs Battle Fury.