Adam Warlock Yondu Tron

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 165

Yondu Tron

This deck is designed to suit up Yondu with Energy Spear + Inspired + Laser Blaster + Sidearm + Boot Camp to make him a 7 ATK Ranged Overkill Piercing ally that takes no consequential damage. As a secondary goal, you can suit up Wolverine instead with Attack Training + Inspired + Sidearm + Boot Camp to make a 7 ATK Ranged Piercing ally with 6 HP that heals 1 every turn.

The other allies are chosen to take advantage of Summoning Spell to get good value out of the discount while buying us time to further setup our gameplan.

Last but not least, we take into consideration Adam Warlock's Battle Mage ability. Ideally we want to prioritize using them in this order: Protection > Justice > Leadership (with Warlock's Cape) > Aggression > Leadership. Discarding Protection supplements Wolverine's passive healing to keep him up indefinitely and discarding Justice deals with the main weakness of the deck. Discarding Aggression isn't as much value since our allies are able to deal huge chunks of damage and we plan to mostly use our basic activation to defend so it's only +1 DEF for discarding Leadership until Warlock's Cape is out. As such, the deck aims to have more Protection and Justice cards get reshuffled and keep Aggression and Leadership cards in play.


Cards Not Included