The Marvelous Jarnborn - Ms. Marvel Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

FreqKing · 25

I built this deck around the realization that both Jarnbjorn and Morphogenetics trigger off an attack event. Because the first player decides trigger order, if that event features a you can choose to trigger Morphogenetics to retrieve the event and then discard that same event to Jarnbjorn. Not bad at all. Turns an Uppercut into 9 damage with Embiggen!. Drop Kick nets 8 and can trigger a card draw fairly consistently with with Martial Prowess, Quincarrier, and/or Biokinetic Polymer Suit.

For style points, finish off a minion then use Battle Fury for the opportunity to trigger Morphogenetics again while also loading up Hall of Heroes.

Brawn is amazing value for a 3 resource ally, netting you up to 5 damage and 5 thwart although 4 and 4 with a block is more common and just as great.

I prefer Melee over Relentless Assault because it can often clear multiple minions and triggers if needed even when the villain is alone.

Don't fear the 46 card deck, Kamala Khan is going to discard most of those the first time around anyway. Use Aamir Khan to secure your missing pieces!