Wolverine - Just a Flesh Wound

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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ClassyRobot · 5355


This build has been shredding Expert difficulties, and often times I find myself surprised it was over so quickly. Logan is healing for roughly 4 every turn with this, and I’ve gone from 1 hp to full in one turn that saved a really unlucky game against Magneto.

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and what he does…is a healing build! This build that looks to show just how good Wolverine’s healing factor is while being able to dish out serious damage and thwart. What Doesn't Kill Me feels like a card made for Logan, as he can almost always play it, and it makes those Jubilé turns that much more explosive…because…fireworks.

Powerful Punch is usable for your claws during the villain phase. Jocasta will also grab a copy from the discard pile to keep swingin’. Adamantium

Hard Knocks deserves a special nod as well as this card is often too expensive for other characters, but compliments Wolverine very well. Knocking out a minion on your turn will safeguard those precious hit points with a tough.

The boys, aka Multiple Man are close buddies with Logan, blocking for the Canuck while he gets up and running and does what he does best. Iron Fist is a solid addition as well, but I like the boys turn one reliability. Once he’s up with Endurance and Adamantium Skeleton his health is 1 shy of the Hulk’s.

The Night Nurse is not used for heals. Wolverine existing out heals her. She is used to discard status effects and keep the momentum berserker barraging at all times.

Build notes:

-Momentum Shift is a free 2 damage with claws, but I didn’t find it impactful enough to keep in, and this build has plenty of healing.

-Iron Fist is a great choice for an ally, but my luck with him always drew multiple attacks and he had to immediately block after one attack.

-Brother Voodoo is a strong ally to consider, as any attack event he pulls can be used with claws.

-You can’t “take” damage while tough, so make sure to use your claws before Polaris or Hard Knocks triggers. If you have to, for whatever reason The Night Nurse can strip your tough for you to use it, but it’s less than ideal.

Thanks so much for checking this out and be sure to ❤️ To heal my broken heart


Nov 15, 2022 Omegawatt · 1

Take a like for making me chuckle

Nov 15, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Glad you liked! How are you enjoying Wolverine so far?

Nov 15, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

Sadly you can't use the Claws to pay for Powerful Punch during the villian phase as it requires an action.

Nov 15, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Ah good point with the hero action! Luckily powerful punch with claws was more just a bonus than anything necessary. You can still then pay for another event on your next turn, you’ll just have to pay for the punch. Thanks for checking this out!

Nov 23, 2022 dafair · 7

The only card in here that Jocasta can pull is Powerful Punch, and given that, I'm not sure I would include her. I also think, if you are playing solo, you may need a little more thwart... Dropping Jocasta and Med Team for 2 Bait and Switch would be helpful, I think. Anyway, I like what you did. Nice deck.

Nov 23, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Thanks so much @dafair! Jocasta is definitely a flex spot, easily replaced with another ally. I like her to grab Powerful Punch and turn her into a 2 thw chump block that does 4 damage, and if you get lucky and pay for her with the punch she’s Daredevil with a bonus for cost. She is overcosted if you haven’t seen a punch in your discard yet, admittedly.

I haven’t run into too much threat issue between Wolverine’s inherent thw, allies and What Doesn't Kill Me, but the two you mentioned would definitely be the sub outs for Bait and Switch definitely consider that for Venom Goblin, but it sadly won’t help much for the likes of Magneto, although this deck cleared him expert even with Acolytes popping up out of the woodwork.

Thanks again for checking this out!

Apr 14, 2023 Marctimmins89 · 298

I really like this style of Wolverine Protection. My version skips Powerful Punch and What Doesnt Kill Me in favour of Momentum Shift, and I have Iron Fist for stun access. Wondering if Multiple Man is worth slotting in. He's a great delaying tactic.

Apr 24, 2023 ClassyRobot · 5355

Cheers @Marctimmins89! Momentum shift is a awesome free damage at all times for Wolverine. I prefer Wdkm for those rounds where threat needs to get knocked down. Iron Fist is pretty great as well, but MM able to chump block 3 villain attacks is so clutch. Honestly, adding both isn’t bad either!