Ant-Man: With Great Size, Comes Great Responsibility

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dthz · 71

Ant-Man has two hero forms and therefore this deck capitalises on this ability to change form and still undertake hero actions.

Lay Down the Law, Ready to Rumble, Ant-Man's Helmet and, to a lesser extent, Pym Particles all capitalise on the ability to change form.

Resize therefore becomes a really powerful card in this deck.

Making an Entrance works well with Ready to Rumble to really capitalise on a change form to get multiple thwart actions and hopefully trigger the healing element of the same. Similarly, Giant Strength and Ready To Rumble can allow Ant-Man to do a lot of damage without relying on Giant Stomp.

Between Pym Particles, Ant-Man's Helmet and Making An Entrance, this deck can heal quite a lot of damage, keeping Ant-Man operational for longer.

With Making An Entrance and Ready To Rumble, Ant-Man is much more likely to clear schemes, so Skilled Investigator becomes a good card to utilise.

The deck has a split between Strength and Energy icons so utilise with Wrist Gauntlets, hence the seemingly weird 1x copies of For Justice!, Pivotal Moment and Great Responsibility. Realistically, this deck does not want multiple copies of either Pivotal Moment or Great Responsibility as the former is very situational and the latter could be very dangerous to have multiple copies (and the Genius icon is unhelpful).