Hulk - Graveyard leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10662

This is a follow-up to the last Hulk deck I posted. I reworked the list a lot and boy does it include powerful and fun combos! What is it about? Recurring key allies with powerful effects using Make the Call, Regroup or Rapid Response (added since the previous post), but also, the star of the show, recur Limitless Strength!!!

Seriously I had him in play all game long and just recurred him all the time. You've got so many resources now! And that's how you pay for costly allies, supports, Hulk Smash... Seriously there are turns where I played him twice (thx Klaw for having retaliate) and still managed to play Nick Fury with Make the Call using only resource assets (carriers, Ingenuity, Clarity of Purpose), and then draw 3 and play Mockingbird. Just amazing!

... you get the jist. The Rapid Response / Make the Call / Regroup trio make it quite easy to just pull off those combos.

Have fun!


Nov 11, 2022 mv2392 · 102

Nice! I've never actually played hulk! May take him for a spin now