Project G.I.R.L. Brings the Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 147

I've seen a few decks use Wasp's GIRL ability with Goliath, this is my own modification of that. A lot of them focus just on Goliath and lots of card draw to get him sooner, but I wanted a few more options. Here's some of what makes it work:

Allies: The first thing we want is our big hitters, which are Goliath and Power Man. Get them out, and then hold on to them until you can ready them to get two powerful attacks in the same turn. We also have some card draw allies to help you get to these pieces faster, including Moon Girl, Nick Fury, Ironheart, Maria Hill, and White Tiger. We have a few other allies to fill out our roster, Stinger is great to sit and keep Band Together fueled, or be a last-minute blocker. Ant-Man Can last for a while with are rich economy, and Squirrel Girl is a solid area clear. Ant-Man and Squirrel Girl are also Science resources in case you need more for Moon Girl, or more targets for GIRL.

Readying: We want to be able to get some readies to make Goliath and Power Man attack twice in the same turn. Command Team is excellent for this, but Inspiring Presence is also really good, and it's a science resource! You can use Goliath 3 times with his buffed up attack if you use Inspiring Presence and Command Team.

Resources: This deck has a lot of resources and economy. At first I wondered if it was overkill, but because you're constantly cycling your high-cost allies, it ends up being worth it. Band Together is excellent, you'll very quickly get to a point where you have at least 3 allies at all times, so it becomes more valuable than the basic doubles. Meditation is also here because you'll be spending a lot of time in alter-ego, flipping basically every turn. Finally, we have Ingenuity and Quincarrier, to ensure you'll get max science resources for Moon Girl.

I used this to beat the Mad Titan's Shadow campaign and The Hood on expert, paired with Spider-Ham Justice,


Oct 03, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8256

If you're open to a friendly suggestion... Make the Call ×3 would give you some pretty incredible abilities to pull a Nick Fury back. If you have a Band Together in hand, you could be gaining cards at that point.