Black Widow Protection - Villain turns are Black Widow turns

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 147

This is the first deck that I built that I really love, it made Black Widow my favorite hero and Protection my favorite aspect. Black Widow's preparations already allow you to do a lot on the villain turn to mess up their actions, and the protection upgrades keep damaging the villain bit by bit. This deck might even be a little excessive on the upgrade front, but it was designed with multiplayer in mind, and once you're set up you'll be defending for your partner and yourself.

Upgrades: Synth-Suit, Armored Vest, and Electrostatic Armor are your most important cards to get out, you'll want to defend as much as possible. Unflappable gives you great card draw for every defense, Energy Barrier and Defensive Stance help prevent any damage that might make it through. A big benefit to having this many upgrades is that you will cycle through your deck a ton to get those awesome preparations, and you can use those preparations all the time. Attacrobatics away that one-boost icon card, Grappling Hook an Assault, you'll be getting and playing those again the next turn.

Stunning: Black Widow wants to flip down to AE a lot to prep those preparations, usually flipping every turn or 2. Protecting my teammate was a big focus for this, so some stunning options were included, including Tackle, Mockingbird, and Iron Fist. Muster Courage gets one copy for a bit of extra security on your teammate.

The biggest hole in this deck is thwarting, with Black Widow flipping down a lot, the scheme can get big really fast. You'll want to play Covert Ops every chance you get. This deck was built with multiplayer in mind, specifically to help protect a Justice teammate who is keeping the scheme down. It was also built to take on Ultron, where the stuns and copious ping damage really shine. If you were to turn this into a solo deck with more universal play, you'd probably want to trade the stun cards for some cards with better thwarting.

If you like to be constantly firing off lots of little combos, messing up the villain bit by bit, and winning with a thousand cuts on the villain turn, you'll have a lot of fun with this deck!

I used this to beat the Core and Wave 1 scenarios on Expert, paired with Wasp Justice.