Scarlet Witch Aggression with Powerful Friends!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Korppikoira · 1


This is my first published deck. I always play two-handed and just beat Ronan quite easily with this and Captain Marvel, so it seems quite good.

The idea of the deck is to use expensive but good aggression allies and actually be able to play them with Chaos Magic and Meditation. Sentry and Hercules are really amazing, but hard to get to the table with most aggression decks. Not here! Last game I first attacked 4x3=12 damage with Sentry, then drew two copies of First Aid, healed him and attacked for another 12 damage, and then blocked a hit. Pretty solid. And yeah, First Aid is there to keep your crew swinging. Hulk is in the deck only as a blocker; you are not meant to attack with him if it isn't a total emergency. Don't underestimate Quicksilver; he is really good with the alter-ego ability.

As for other cards: Deft Focus is in the deck for Hex Bolt, so you can use them for "free" once you get it and one of Quincarrier / Helicarrier on the table. Hex Bolt is amazing with Scarlet Witch's Crest and newbies often underestimate its effectiveness. One bolt can even deal both stun and confused AND remove threat, deal damage.. For a cost of 2! Amazing card, you should in most cases play it immediately when you get it. Magic Shield is another underestimated card; it often blocks a whole attack keeping your allies on the table, and the best part is that you can use it after seeing what the damage is: chump blocking with an ally, but the attack only dealt 2 damage? No problem, use shield! Oh, it dealt 8 damage? No need to use shield.

Still, Agatha Harkness is the best card of the deck allowing for huge turns, and when combined with Hall of Heroes and Spiritual Meditation things can get silly.

Overall game plan is this: get your allies, upgrades and supports down while spamming hex bolts, then switch to full damage dealing mode. I always play two-handed and use this with a deck that is more focused on thwarting, but Scarlet Witch is no means bad in it a thwart of 2 and hex bolts.

That's all, hope you like the deck!