Hulk | Breathing Exercises (feat. on Get Up and Game!)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hulk | Breathing Exercises (feat. on Get Up and Game!) - Mod 2 0 1 1.0

JWalton77 · 1302

This deck was featured on Get Up and Game!

I’ve always wanted to like the Hulk as I’m a big fan of the character in both the comics and the movies. But what I’m not a big fan of is the rush strategy, and that seems to be what the Hulk in this game is all about. So I mostly avoided playing with him for a long time. But now thanks to Meditation I think there’s another way to go by giving Bruce Banner his day in the sun!

This deck wants to spend as much time in Alter Ego as you can get away with. I didn’t include any Confuse effects however, so you have to be very careful with the scheme. On one hand that can limit which scenarios this deck is really viable against. But on the other hand I find it really enjoyable to walk that tightrope and choose when to flip and when to stay down.

The primary objective is to use Meditation to get Beat Cop into play as quickly as possible. Two of them would be even better. Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier are also good targets.

If you draw a hand full of Hulk cards, especially if you get Limitless Strength and/or Hulk Smash then feel free to flip into hero form to make use of them. But if there isn’t a good reason to go to hero form and you can stay in alter ego without losing the game then try to do that as often as possible.

Between Bruce’s card cycling action and other card draw effects like Assess the Situation, Nick Fury, and the Mansion you can hopefully find your threat removal and prevention cards quickly. Foiled!, Under Surveillance, and Counterintelligence should give Dr. Banner the time he needs to get his preparation complete.

Thankfully Bruce has made some friends along the way to help give him the time he needs for his plans to come to fruition. Speed can burst down a side scheme in one turn. Quake is very helpful for taking out minions who want to scheme. Lockjaw and Machine Man are great for making use of cards you can’t play if you’re in the wrong form.

Once you feel setup then it’s finally time to Smash!! Use those fully loaded Beat Cops to clear out any Guard minions and finish the villain off once and for all!