Drax AG - Solo - 2-1-0 Triumphant Aggression [LMDT]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Carquinyoli · 280

Deck intended for scenarios with minions to abuse from Moment of Triumph to heal, so Drax never goes to AE.

All cards used cost 0-1-2 so Drax can always play something even with shorter hands due to having played "¡Pagarás por eso!" or The Best Defense… in the villain phase.

Disclaimer: I belong to a "religion" where decks need to be of 42 cards xD, but you can easily remove a couple of them.


An ideal hand could be Master of Dwi Theet + Drax's Knife + Combat Training + double resource + any 2 cards. With these on the table, we can avoid 8 damage with Parade, defend for 4 with TheBestDefence, thwart for 4 with Intimidation, and of course base attack for 4 and draw a card.


  • Mulligan to get the above Upgrades. Dump Demasiado terco para morir (unless the villain strikes very hard) and El otro puñal de Drax (unless the villain gets Tough frequently or maybe if we play against Ultron).
  • Depending on the scenario, stay in AE the first turn to draw 6 cards again and build quicker (that's dangerous if you discarded You'll pay for that cards in the mulligan or to build, so be aware). -You may defend the first few turns to collect vengeance counters while keeping hp high.


  • Use Drax himself or any ally other than Bicho to absorb attacks from minions.
  • Use Drax to take the villain attacks (DEFend if necessary), because we need the 3 vengeance counters. Use "¡Pagarás por eso!" to remove threat. We will heal later.
  • A couple of copies of The Best Defense… are included just in case. Once we have NGII/CITT, defending isn't much of a problem (drawing a card if we already have 3 counters and) getting ready on our turn attacking and drawing another card with Dwi Theet.


  • Drax's Base attack can go up to 6 (with Entrenamiento de combate + El puñal de Drax and 3 vengeance counters). Or far above with Golpetazo, Golpe diestro and/or Pistolón. Attack a minion with any of these together with Momento triunfal to heal massively. Combo with Salto y apuñalamiento to get rid of a Guard/Tough Minion, heal and deal overkill damage to the villain. Also comboes with A por ellos to thwart.
  • Always attack: Maestro de dwi theet may draw us into moment of triumph/chase them down to heal/thwart if we killed a minion, and we heal Bug.
  • Golpe diestro is intended for the first turns if our knifes are not yet on the table. They also help later, but Golpetazo does a slightly better job. So 2 and 2. Pistolón provides overkill on demand and comboes with Momento triunfal, so save it for the right time.
  • Quick Strike (or Lluvia de balas) are here for a third attack in the late game (base + CITT + QS/Fusillade) or to attack when we are exhausted. I still have not decided which one is best for this deck: Quick Strike can hit for 6, however it needs you to be fully built but for max. potential though works without any weapon. Lluvia de balas deals always 5 but you need one weapon (which should be easy with Drax carrying 3).
  • Furia de combate: I tend to use it as a resource, but once it's on the table, it can save the day at the right time.



  • Since Drax should base attack each turn, Bicho is your friend. I use Bug to ping threat or to remove toughs statuses and then base attack with Drax to heal him. Consider attaching an Lanza de energía to Bicho if the scenario does not require a lot of thwarting.
  • Hulk and Blade are used to block minion attacks (or a villain's attack if Drax has not yet recovered with Momento triunfal) and will rarely attack at mid game. However our deck has lots of and if we need to attack with them in thelate game. Martinex can also block minions or ping threat or toughs.
  • With short hands, I prefer Blade to Ironheart, but sometimes I use her instead.
  • Angela is cheap and can bring in a minion if we need to heal with Momento triunfal or remove threat with A por ellos. In scenarios without minions I may replace her with Throg or Avispa.


  • Lanza de energía to attach to Bug.
  • Contraataque. Against heavy hitter villains it may work wonders. It may also combo with you'll pay for that and with Moment of Triumph (very situational) if we are defeating the first stage of the villain.
  • If the villain strikes very hard, consider adding a couple of Primeros auxilios to heal Mantis to heal Drax and adding more allies for chump-blocking as well as Aguante.



  • 4/4 wins at Mutagen Formula (standard). All ended before I cycled my deck or the same turn I cycled it for the first time. The toughest ones were those where Dwi Theet appeared at the last hand.
  • 1/4 wins at Mutagen Formula (Expert). In 2 of them I didn't have a chance. The third loss was swingy and I could have won. I finally won at the 4th try.
  • 1/1 wins at EXPert Rhino + Bomb Scare.

So, it seems to work very very nice on standard (and it's very fun to play) against scenarios with lots of minions.