Adam Warlock Inc. - The Martyr Company (Re-Org)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

InigoMontoya · 4444


Note: I made some changes to this deck. I added Looking for Trouble, "Welcome Aboard", Summoning Spell, Med Team, 3 resources and Sidearm. Gone are 2 Power of cards, Innovation, Momentum Shift, Energy Spear, Clobber, Yondu and Blaze of Glory. I also modified the section on Martyr to reflect my error. Enjoy the old write-up below!

  • First, let's address what everyone is thinking. Why 50 employees? We at Adam Warlock Inc. stress diversity and a multi-aspect workforce. While other companies succeed wonderfully with just 40 employees, we find that 50 is just more mathematically sound. In most 40-card Adam Warlock decks, they have 20 non-aspect cards and 20 aspects cards. 50% pull for Battle Mage. Our percentage is 56%. While that doesn't guarantee success, it gives our company a better base chance of finding what we want when we want it. It's just different company philosophies.

  • Adam Warlock knows the value and cost of sacrifice. After all, that's what his Battle Mage ability is all about. Giving up one thing to get something better. In management speak: His strategic sacrifices actualize real-world deliverables that turn into mission-critical gains.

  • In this overview, we'll discuss Adam Warlock's performance overall, what our main drivers are, and our outlook in the future. Please hold all question to the end of the presentation.

TLDR: Set up Mystic Senses, The Sorcerer Supreme, Karmic Staff, Knowhere, Soul World, Boot Camp and Guardians of the Galaxy your first push through your deck. Block with allies while setting up. Use Quantum Magic to get the set up cards you might miss while you use Cosmic Awareness, Karmic Blast, Magic Attack and Zone of Silence to thin your deck. Use upgrades to buff allies and your hand. Profit!

Toolbox of Core Values and Priorities:

Supports and Upgrades (If you can get 2 or 3 of these 8 out on your first turn, you'll be on your way to a win)

  • 1) Mystic Senses - This is his highest priority, and best cards in his hand. They're the catalyst for Warlock's Cape to function, but more importantly, they take Battle Mage from a -1 loss to a +1 gain. Get them out as quickly as possible. If they're not in your first all-hands meeting, bring in 6 new members in hopes they are.

  • 2) The Sorcerer Supreme - Raise your hand if you'd like 16.6% more production every turn. Get this out and fast.

  • 3) Karmic Staff - Every team needs a multi-functional resource generator.

  • 4) Knowhere - It's critical that Adam Warlock have a headquarters where his team can thrive. 9 out of 10 team members will trigger the benefits of Knowhere.

  • 5) Soul World - Sometimes we need time off to recharge our batteries. Can I share a personal story? In one of my darkest days I was at 1 health and just played Soul World, but still had one card in my deck. I thought it was over, but I knew I could count on my team. I called on Angela, and not only did she relieve the stress of schemes, but also took care of the customer who followed her in uninvited. What's better? She triggered Knowhere, and my deck was empty. I could just flip over, go to sleep, and be back to my fully-charged self.

  • 6) Boot Camp - We have a large team. This lets them attack each problem with greater efficiency.

  • 7) Guardians of the Galaxy - Any upgrade we apply to the team gets us more resources. What's better? It never exhausts. So apply as many as you can.

  • 8) Warlock's Cape - This works best with Heroic Intuition and Armored Vest, but also has great synergies with Bug.

Adam Warlock: Leader of People

Yes, this can be a Voltron deck, but it doesn't have to be. My decks are built around versatility, and multiple ways to succeed. No one or two cards will make or break the deck.

Now, let's meet the whole team!

  • 1) Angela - She's a wonderful part of the company, but does bring some baggage. She works best on a team with Martyr or Bug. People that can help her with that one customer she always seems to let in.

  • 2) Bug - When he knows Adam Warlock will attack the problem with him, he can't be stopped. He's a relentless problem solver who always seems to be around an attachment. Inspire him to spear-head the Voltron team. He can even take a Comms Implant and Laser Blaster

  • 3) Eros - He's always willing to bring down the threat, and is ultra-low cost.

  • 4) Gamora - She's the best event coordinator in the business, and an integral part of the secret Voltron project. Give her all the attachments Bug has, and watch her flourish. She's the best candidate for Innovation and will stick around with help from the staff (The Night Nurse).

  • 5) Major Victory - He's at his best when he's inspiring others to do more. We'll get into how to use him best into our Synergies and Resources section.

  • 6) Martyr - She's our star employee and toughest worker. She's the engine that keeps us running and takes out minions in our way.

(Fully attached (Boot Camp + Comms Implant + Sidearm + Enraged + Inspired + Laser Blaster) Martyr has 4 hit points, and hits for 7 damage with overkill and piercing, and ranged. While I was wrong about her always getting a tough status card for each minion she kills, there are ways to keep her around indefinitely.

So, she has to actually take the consequential damage to get the Tough status card. Here's the sequence. Have her take out a minion to get tough. Heal her with Med Team or Green Battle Mage. Have her attack next round and the Tough goes away. Attack again the next round, lose health from consequential damage, heal, and get the Tough status back. She also could chump block in between. Not as sexy as I once thought, but still amazing!)

  • 7) Pip the Troll - Pip is not only sturdy and dependable, but he can intergrate himself into another team seamlessly and stop any losses that might occur. He's travel positive and tough. Unfortunately, he's not a member of the Guardian team. Pass him along to another team member, if you have Guardians of the Galaxy played.

  • 8) Quasar - One Way or Another he finds a way to help end costly side projects, and works with our Skilled Investigator to help keep our focus on the main issue.

  • 9) Starhawk - I really can't say how many times he's left our team only to come back just as strong. Don't be annoyed that he constantly quits, he'll be back the same round to contribute.

  • 10) Yondu - He's probably our least used team member, but when he's brought to a team, he shines. His endless ability to tackle problems can be added to endlessly. Once you put him in, just kick back and wait for the profits.

Synergies and Resources:

  • Major Victory and Starhawk have great teamwork. If Starhawk attacks a problem, use Major Victory's ability to ready him, and thwart a new issue. Then Starhawk can leave and immediately come back (he's so hot and cold!) to our company. Only to start the cycle fresh.

  • Blaze of Glory will not only invigorate all our Guardians, but it will also trigger Major Victory's ability (you can then ready an ally who's defended for you), and make Starhawk come groveling back to our hand.

  • Major Victory ability is best used during our phase to help Gamora and Martyr attack new problems.

  • Our product One Way or Another can be used to pull our other project Quantum Magic which can then be used to pull One Way or Another again. In rare tests, we were then able to find Quantum Magic again. Note: Multiple side schemes may be detrimental to your health. Consult your Doctor (Strange) if problems persist. Adam Warlock Inc. is not responsible for any deaths that might occur from over side scheming.

  • Other products Clobber and Impede can be used at the beginning of a work day. Then our Battle Mage ability has a target.

  • Because of our higher diversity of aspect, we guarantee a much higher production on average from Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness than competing 40 card decks. Our deck just has more green, blue, red and yellow to find.


While we don't claim to be a Heroic company by any means, we are Experts (mostly) in our field, and are willing change and grow based on the needs our customers. Maybe you prefer 46 or 42 or even 40 cards? We can accommodate. Maybe you want more resources and less upgrades? Maybe you crave efficiency? Our support staff is willing to listen to any comments you have, and will politely (maybe) reply ASAP. Thank you for taking the time to get to know Adam Warlock, Inc!


Nov 27, 2021 Cornebre · 1

The night nurse can't heal an ally if I read the rules correctly ^^'

Nov 29, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4444

@Cornebre You're correct. I've changed the write-up to reflect my mistake. Thanks!