Iron Man Joins the Guardians and Brings Allllll the Weapons

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CBeidel · 18

The premise of this deck is fairly simple--find Iron Man and give him all the toys in the toybox.

The main card at work here is Guardians of the Galaxy. Each time you equip a Guardian with an upgrade, you get to draw 1 card, and it is not limited to once per turn. Keep in mind, all allies in play with Star-Lord become Guardians with his ability, meaning all upgrades to this point work on the ideal recipient for your upgrades: Iron Man. With "What Could Go Wrong," you can pay 1 cost and get an encounter to get Iron Man into play, which you will want to do early and often. Iron Man discounts 1 from the price of any upgrade played on him and counts as a Guardian and an Avenger. This effectively means that each upgrade you play costs 0 and draws you 1, letting you play your deck's entire stack of weapons on Iron Man in one turn most of the time.

A fully decked out Iron Man has 4 ATK, 5 THW, 7HP, Overkill, deals one extra damage per activation, and has a built in once per turn ready (and another if you use C.I.T.T. on him).

The engine that makes this work is Call for Aid, which will mill your deck until you hit an Avenger ally. If you are bold, you can drop Stinger and play only Iron Man, letting you guarantee his presence if you haven't seen him yet. Call for Aid can also be surprisingly helpful if you have already seen all of your Avenger allies, since it will deck you out to zero cards. Force yourself to draw (see next paragraph) and it will reset your deck for your next copy of Call for Aid to fire for a guaranteed ally. Plus, since you are playing Star Lord, an extra encounter card can buff your Gutsy Move, Sliding Shot, and Star-Lord's Helmet.

The other main engine of this deck is The Power in All of Us with CITT, Knowhere, and Lockjaw. If at any point, you find that you have upgrades to play and nowhere to play them, simply summon everyone's favorite Inhuman boy from the discard pile. He will trigger Knowhere and let you play any cards that get you draws, while getting stronger from the equipment. Remember that The Power in All of Us can count as 2 resources for CITT's untap and to play Lockjaw from the grave, making it constantly live.

There are 2 downsides to this deck. The first is that you should play multiple copies of Guardians of the Galaxy so that it does not get discarded from the deck with Call for Aid. It is crucial that you get Guardians of the Galaxy into play as soon as possible, so mulligan for it aggressively or play multiples, or both. I think 2 has been fine in testing. The second downside is it is difficult to get this deck to 40 cards. You could cut ally upgrades, Ironheart, and Stinger, but once you establish your engine, you will want more cards that work with it. I have found that between the milling from Call for Aid and the extra free draws from Guardians of the Galaxy, the extra 5 card bloat has been pretty manageable. Feel free to experiment, though!

This deck is a ton of fun and has a crazy high power ceiling. Star-Lord is already a strong character on his own, and he is the perfect character for a wacky strategy like this. Give it a play and tell me what you think!


May 13, 2022 lkmyst · 14

Sounds fun ... I'll give it a try! Since Star-Lord already makes Iron Man a Guardian, have you tried using First Aid instead of Honorary Guardian? Have you tried it with Get Ready?