Thor : "Bring it!"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10667

Thor aggro!

We've got so many cards in the Guardians cycle that fit well for Thor it felt like a waste not to try every one of them! Aggro now can accomodate various play styles, from high-dmg events to maxing out basic attacks with overkill. In fact we've got so many good choices now it's impossible to fit them all here! (I'd include Follow Through and Hand Cannon but I tend not to go over 40 cards).

There is, however, one card that I REALLY wanted to try out (and couldn't wait!): "BRING IT!" IN THIS LIST, Assess the Situation IS ACTUALLY "BRING IT" FROM THE DRAX HERO PACK, NOT AVAILABLE ATM. LOOK AT THE HALL OF HEROES WEBSITE IF YOU HAVEN'T (SPOILER ALERT!).

I also wanted to use Dive Bomb from the moment it was spoiled, as Thor is the hero who gets the easiest access to "aerial" (check out Ever Vigilant decks in protection too, great card!).

just FYI, I'm also experimenting with the same concept but with basic aspect. It rocks!

"Bring it"

That new card, like Dive Bomb, Angela and Looking for Trouble seem to have been built just for Thor. I loved how Assess the Situation was good for Thor, but let's face it: Bring It! is potentially so much more powerful it borders on the "broken". Just an example:

I was on the verge of being overrun by minions. Klaw managed to put 3 of them into play. On my turn, I played Angela, then Looking for Trouble. Then Bring it... (starting in hero form with 7 cards, played 2, got 2 more from "Have at Thee", then drew 5 from Bring It! Have you ever played a turn with 11 cards as Thor?)

With so many cards in hand, I played Lightning Strike, killed every minion but one that I got rid of with Into the Fray, then Moment of Triumph to heal 5.

Absolutely amazing! This card will become a staple for Thor aggro, the God of Thunder may turn out to be a powerhouse!

The rest is pretty self-explanatory, Deft Focus, Martial Prowess, Team-Building Exercise to facilitate Hammer Throws / Dive Bombs, a few key allies and upgrades.

And of course Moment of Triumph to heal!


May 20, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4450

Bring It is an amazing card. I think a similar deck can be made for Rocket Raccoon. Really cool deck! I'll have to test it out.

May 20, 2021 neothechosen · 10667

@InigoMontoya I could see that working for Rocket too! Bring in minions, draw cards, shoot'em down overkill-style, draw some more!

Sooo looking forward to Drax!

May 20, 2021 Saan · 3826

I could see replacing Endurance with either another Looking For Trouble or a third "Bring It!". Thor already has a great health pool, and his helmet only adds to it. With Down Time and his already above average 4 REC, he should be good to go.

A third Looking For Trouble immediately replaces itself thanks to Thor, and gives you more chances for "Bring It!" to hit, which is never bad. Conversely, if you're finding that 3 Defender Of The Nine Realms, 2 Looking For Trouble, and Angela are doing well enough for you to reliably pull minions when you need them, a third "Bring It!" might help out with even more card draw.

Anyway, I like the idea. As soon as I saw "Bring It!", I wanted to put it in Thor. He's gotten so much good card support these days, I think he's an excellent hero.

May 20, 2021 neothechosen · 10667

@Saan I'm testing quite a few things with this deck right now and, with Moment of Triumph usually helping a lot, Endurance and Down Time are not always necessary, so it may come to that.

I probably should playtest it with more Looking for Trouble or "Bring it!", but since the later is only one per turn I'm unsure about running three copies. I could also see Avengers Mansion or other allies in here.

At some point I thought about putting back Hall of Heroes, but After a few turns, allies helping for blocks and Moment of Triumph, I tend not to revert to AE much.

Thanks for your input, suggestions are always welcome!