Extreme Divebombing Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DukeWellington · 5332

The Gardian cycle has been a great boon for Thor and I've seen a lot of new Thor decks kicking around, so I couldn't resist jumping in myself. This list has been a lot of fun to play, very different from my normal style.

The first new card to discuss is Looking for Trouble, which is literally a reprint of Defender of the Nine Realms. I already thought that was Thor's best card so I've added 2 copies. 3 was overkill. Then there's Angela, who is the ally version. She is insanely good in a Thor deck. You basically draw 2 cards to play her and she helps mitigate the minion you have to engage. I wish this had been the design for the signature Lady Sif card, but oh well.

Next, we have Clobber, a beautiful card for Thor. It's basically a far more flexible version of Melee, allowing you to kill those pesky minions or pay for other things, with less hand impact. It even works great with Jarnbjorn by producing the physical resource you can spend in response to it's own attack.

That brings us to the star of the show, Dive Bomb. With Team-Building Exercise it only costs 3, it hits hard and provides sweeping damage for all the minions. What a great card!

My favorite finish with this deck, which I have achieved a surprising number of times, is Clobber into Dive Bomb into Hammer Throw, allowing me to completely bypass the villain's final stage. Essentially the deck plays like a combo deck with that as the final combo. You don't have to pull it off to win, but that's the ideal.

That's why resource acceleration cards like Helicarrier and Quincarrier have been cut (too slow) in favor of The Power of Aggression. The allies are all cheap and gain a discount from TBE, mostly there to kill minions and chump block, maybe thwarting. I originally had Into the Fray in the deck but cut it because I never played it.

This list is played with more patience because the burst potential is so extreme. I advise blocking with Thor until you get a good setup. Don't be afraid to spend big finisher events because you only need a few. And I strongly advise holding back from defeating the villains initial stage until you can burst through. This deck can put out a ridiculous amount of damage very quickly, but it is susceptible to swings in luck and horrible draws.

All in all, it's great fun to play.


May 20, 2021 InigoMontoya · 5168

This deck looks amazing! Who have you taken Thor up against with this deck so far? Even with defending how often in a game do you have to flip to alter ego? Does Moment of Triumph give you a lot of health back?

May 20, 2021 DukeWellington · 5332

@InigoMontoya Thanks! Honestly I have only taken it against standard easy villains like Drang, Rhino, and the first few RORS. I'm not confident in it's abilities against truly challenging opponents because it can be inconsistent. If a minion comes out in the villain phase and you draw 2, then you play Angela and draw another 2, then clobber the two minions, you are golden, but if you hit shadows of the past or extra villain attacks things can get rough. It's a super swingy deck.

With Thor I try to never flip down because I want the extra cards off minions and I want to avoid threat, but sometimes you just have to. When I do flip down I try to Hammer Throw to get Mjolnir back, spend it, then fetch it back, then pop Hall of Heroes for 3. That's the ideal, but I rarely get everything. Moment of Triumph is therefore essential to avoid flipping down. It's not a card you play often, but it's a game saver when played.