The Incredible, Impractical, Iron Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tehsilentone · 1

Iron Man doesn't have quite enough upgrades to pull off anything crazy, but he does gain a number of Guardian upgrades, if you are willing to play Star Lord. Not only does Star Lord enable a 1-cost Iron Man, and enable the Guardian upgrades, his signature ally, Nova Prime is also a guardian, ensuring each time you play Call for Aid you get Iron Man back in hand.

Hopeful Tips:

1) Keep Element Gun in play. Sliding Shot is your only prayer from under a mountain of incoming Doom.

2 ) Can't heal your shiny metal man? End him! Call for Aid and a player Trigger is a new ally. (...and almost certainly an encounter card)

3) Play on Mutagen Formula. Enjoy massive Sliding Shot damage off the flip.

Ultimately, this is a silly deck, but I think it's the most successful hero to try this all-in-ironman trash at the moment. After the next avengers cycle, maybe it will be more reasonable.

I have been playing true solo, and regardless of how it goes it's a fun, quick game.