"Teamwork makes the Dreamwork" or whatever (Meme Deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cogahan · 39

I wanted to make use of all the seemingly useless upgrades for the Allies, so here it is. I dont expect for it to be very competitive at all, but it's fun


Basically you want to build up your little equipment army, especially Iron Man who makes all upgrades for him one cost cheaper (So free), making him surprisingly powerful. Ronin is very powerful as well, since he gets stronger with every upgrade he gets, he can also turn into a powerhouse. When they're both getting low on health, pop a Lead from the Front and Teamwork to boost yourself and drop a massive Thwart or Atk Nuke on the enemy. And a Rapid Response will bring them back.

And that's basically it. The others are there to further boost yourself.