Spider-Man - No one should fall without a struggle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Therickc · 15

I've been having a lot of fun playing this. The key to this deck is getting upgrades on Spidey, defending the majority of the time, and making sure to hit all the swinging web kicks.

The thing to prioritize is getting 3 hard to ignores into play. Once you do that, you are able to basically control threat while defending at the same time. I've added a few basic allies to help control threat/stun until you are properly set up. Lockjaw should only ever be used as a resource when in your hand, and only be played from the discard pile. Deft focus is good to try and get into play early because it helps with swinging web kick and can make enhanced spider sense free.

I've only used this solo, but I think with the defense/threat control it can be viable in multiplayer.

If you see any holes in this please let me know. Thanks!


Apr 16, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I have been waiting for my Galaxy's Most Wanted so I can try this exact build. Hard to Ignore deals with Spidey's biggest weakness. I also don't have Scarlet Witch so no Bait and Switch either....

Changes I would or have to make: Cant play Rocket (without Guardian trait) and I would fully commit to defensive events. Perseverance I see as a great Ant Man card but if you are defending the whole time you are not forced to flip and recover as often. I would change perseverance for 1 more never back down and desperate defense.

And since I am going full in on defending I would add a Nerves of Steel so I have a resource ready to spend on defense cards. Allowing for more resources for allies and Swinging Web Kicks

Apr 16, 2021 Therickc · 15

OH I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!! I can't believe I forgot about that Rocket requirement! I was only looking for an ally with high threat reduction. I'll swap him tonight.

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing about Perseverance. I actually never successfully used it. I was trying to make this deck for Groot and see if it fit with Spiderman but I appreciate that. When I get home I am going to make those two changes and I'll try your suggestion to add Nerves of Steel. Thanks!

Apr 16, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I think the rocket rule is dumb btw. I think they make the game hard enough that you can ignore those types of rules from time to time...

Totally didn't think about Groot with Perseverance he would be another great candidate for that card (it does come in his deck so not sure why I missed that).

My Nerves of Steel inclusion is personal I just love free resource supports. My games take longer to win but once the engine is built its game over.

Apr 17, 2021 neothechosen · 10666

@StuWal19 I think we see eye to eye on this!

Sweet deck, pretty close to what I built. As @StuWal19 said, I'd also get one more of Desperate Defense and Never Back Down, cut Perseverance. Pay for those with Nerves of Steel... I'd cut the second Deft Focus to make room for it.

I personnally don't enjoy Dauntless so much... losing only 1 hp will make you lose its value. If you're confident you can pull it off, however, it may be worth it.

Apr 17, 2021 Therickc · 15

@neothechosenI’m going to mess with a few cards tomorrow based on everyone’s suggestions. I actually was thinking about removing the second deft focus, I only kept it cause i was trying to rush it in play. I do agree that Dauntless isn’t the best, but if you get it early it helps, at worst it’s a good payment card. Thanks though! I’m looking forward to tweaking this a bit.

Apr 17, 2021 Therickc · 15

@StuWal19``@neothechosenThanks so much for the suggestions. Here are the changes I made.

Edit 4/17: I Have taken the suggestions and perseverance x2, removed deft focus x1, removed dauntless x1, and swapped Rocket for Spiderman Miles Morales to be in rules compliance. I have added an extra desperate defense, never back down, I've added nerves of steel, and a helicarrier. Same play style as mentioned above still holds.

Apr 19, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

@Therickc Boss! I didn't get to play this weekend so let me know if you test the new deck out.

Apr 19, 2021 Therickc · 15

@StuWal19I tested it out, it’s great! Everything works really well together and i haven’t lost yet. I made a rocket aggression the other day and i had no idea how to play not being about to defend every turn lol. Thanks for the suggestions! I think this deck has the potential to be slotted in for anyone with high def

Apr 19, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

@Therickc I mostly play solo and aggression is my least favorite aspect. I have the worst win % out of all the other aspects including basic Dr strange and basic ant man.

Apr 20, 2021 Therickc · 15

@StuWal19Same, I basically only play solo. Glad it’s not just me regarding aggression. I like to try to play to the hero, so rocket feels like he should be aggression, but it’s not easy. It does feel like how Rocket would play, make them dead before they make you dead lol