Card draw simulator
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DukeWellington · 5369
Note: The two copies of Preemptive Strike are actually Bait and Switch. I will update later.
This deck perfectly illustrates how great this game is. I use some rather odd and rare cards (Emergency) because they fit the context.
From a game design perspective Iron Man is about as perfect as you can get. He is thematic and exciting, with enough synergy to inspire deck building creativity, but not so much synergy that it feels cookie cutter. He can be extremely dominant, but he also has severe weaknesses. I also like the fact that his signature cards are the focus.
The main quality of Iron Man is his ability to cycle through his deck so quickly, especially if you play Repulsor Blast. As a result Multiple Man is the perfect ally. In fact, I ended up removing almost all other defensive cards from the list because Multiple Man is so good at chump blocking. Because Iron Man is most vulnerable in the early game, Multiple Man keeps him safe to get set up. Also, when played he thins your deck and, finally, if you kill him off in time you can then repeat after the shuffle. This allows you to focus on resource accelerators and combo pieces.
I have maximized the energy resources for Repulsor Blast, which usually does at least 7 damage. After a lot of playtesting I have concluded that Emergency, Haymaker, and Enhanced Reflexes are the best cards with which to provide that energy because they are consistently useful enough to actually play but situational enough that you can pitch for resources without worry.
The new card Bait and Switch is awesome, an instant staple of protection, providing much needed threat removal. It's so effective that you only need two copies. With this final puzzle piece in place this has been my most successful Iron Man list to date.