Cops and Daubbers fightn' for the little guys! | Wasp Jst

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Randito · 39

Nadia Van Dyne and joined up with Law Enforcement -- Beat Cop and Under Surveillance vans to fight crime. Cops and Daubbers!

This deck uses "friendly and not friendly neighbor" allies -- to help fight crime. Occasionally, Nick Fury will show up to be the bad-ass that he is. Agent Coulson will sometimes show up, bringing in the Target Acquired to provide some support. These allies are from the neighborhood and ready to work.

Beat Cops are the star of the show. They help contain the threat as much as possible. Occasionally, Rapid Growth or Swarm Tactics is used to jump into Giant form to handle some thwart. But for the most part, Nadia Van Dyne stays in Tiny form and does damage.

Invulnerability and First Aid provides some ability to tank if your allies are not present.


Mar 04, 2021 Randito · 39

I think Spider-Man might be overkill in this deck. Usually, Beat Cop and Surveillance Team can handle the threat. He's in there mostly for the theme.