Card draw simulator
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less_than_vince · 16
I wanted Maria Hill in agression so why not bring the big guns like Sentry or War Machine ising the The Circe to cheap them in. Maria thwart and let the powerfull allies do all the muscle work.
This aggressive Leadership build lets Maria do what she does best: keep control while bossing around a parade of high-cost red allies. The core idea? Play Circe firt round, keep her in the air with S.H.I.E.L.D. Director and Reassignments, and drop one beefy Aggression ally every turn. Sentry? Thor? Wolverine? Yes, ma’am.
Boot Camp, Field Agent, and Command Team let your allies stick around, and swap out just in time for the next big gun. Don’t like blocking with allies like me? Good – just let Maria handle the defense while your red friends do the smashing.
War Room helps you profit from minion cleanup (which you’ll do a lot), and Sidearm was added out of trauma from a fight with M.O.D.O.K. (I don’t want to talk about it.)
Keep Them Busy is a fun solo card – drop it early and forget it until it buys you that key turn later. The Iliad is nice for more thwart-heavy scenarios, but feels more mid-game.
Tried R&D Department, but the cost and mental requirement made it a benchwarmer. Command Team wins.
Took down Expert M.O.D.O.K. and Batroc with minimal trouble.
Hardest part? Getting Circe down turn one and not having any allies in hand. But with a decent mulligan (red ally + double resource), it’s totally doable.