My Mutant Academia: Rescue Class? Time to Shine!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SpacerGal · 25

Welcome, young Ms. Lee, to the prestigious UA High! Today, you join the hero academia.

For your first lesson, we'll be running rescue drills! There's more to being a hero than just beating up villains. More often than not, you'll be putting a stop to evil plots or saving stranded civilians. Utilize your unique quirks to stay Three Steps Ahead of whatever treacherous tricks evildoers may lay before you. As you develop your rescue skills you'll notice yourself getting better at Multitasking, and I believe you can grow into a Skilled Investigator to keep your options for foiling evil varied! I know I said it's not all about battering bad guys, but even in a rescue situation, you may still need to dig deep and smash your opponent. After all, if they get away, more people could end up in danger!

Remember, a great hero is never alone! Rely on your classmates, like class representative Tenya Iida's, unmatched speed, or Yaoyorozu Momo, who can generate anything you need from her body. It does consume a lot of her energy, but if anyone can provide her with more, it's you!

Your teachers are a valuable asset as well, so don't be afraid to rely on them. Heading to class will help you get the most out of your quirk. Your flashy moves make sure those ne'er-do-wells won't be able to get anything done as you learn. While gruff, your mentor is a force to be reckoned with, and is always happy to meet you in class. (AE heals, I don't have a clever in-theme analogy here =P) When you get back in the field, you'll be more than prepared to Lay Down the Law!

Now, go forth, young Lee! I see in you a true passion for heroism that embodies the school motto.

Go Beyond! PLUS ULTRA!!!

Here's the preview!

Geez, this seems really Aggressive! But I guess you can't avoid conflict forever. Time to develop my combat skills!

Episode 2: Shout It Out! Super Moves!

Jubilee has been rapidly climbing the charts for favorite X-Champion lately, despite my usual distaste for event-based heroes. Additionally, my daughter is a huge fan of My Hero Academia, so I thought, why not do a series of four themed decks for Jubilee, one in each color, cramming in as many references as I could? It's been a lot of fun, though when I get to Protection, (usually one of my two favorite aspects) that may be a bit of a tricky one for her.

I hope you have a much fun with this deck as I have, and as always I'm open to any feedback!