Card draw simulator
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samdogg · 7
Taunt and bait the villain to draw more resources.
A few notes:
44 Cards - That's right, deal with it.
Spider-Man (Otto) - Use Otto to ready your uniform before taking another beating. Sadly you don't get the full value of card draw from Otto's response.
SP//dr - Loop her every turn using the endless resources.
Ghost-Spider - Helps find key cards. I like to grab Energy Conversion before politely inviting the villain to punch me in the face.
Specialized Training - Always pick Front Line Specialist
Build Support - Helpful to get out Web of Life and Destiny but can be used for Med Team too.
Spider-Man (Miles) - I don't often use Miles due to his cost but it's not an issue in this deck. His response can be useful when you're about to die and need to run and hide to alter-ego.
Across the Spider-Verse - Be careful using this on Silk, Miles, or Otto as their responses are from hand so they're not great targets. Probably worth replacing with another card but I have found it useful and would often trigger it twice with all the resources.
Have fun bashing your bishop.
Avengers Tower should be Avengers Mansion! Oops