Fanum Tax

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10114

Player Type: Spike?
Main Player Count: 1, 2, 3, 4
Key Cards: Advanced Suit, X-23

Get Food From Your Friends

This deck aims to get and use your allies for resources and actions. Use Advanced Suit and X-Mansion to heal them. Attach Clarity of Purpose so you can always be wild-playing your events.

Your Friends

Each ally is meant to be a table ally. Do your best to keep them out and voltron all of them. Each upgrade is meant to go on each ally (except for Sidekick, that has to go on Wolverine).

You're welcome to prioritize your allies for Suit Up for your scenario. Here are my GENERAL priorities:

Take their Food on Stream

While they are in the battlefield, choose two allies/friends to attach Clarity of Purpose to (one should be attached to you) so you can take a resource from them.

Then use their activation to finish a side scheme or minion, and discard a double to heal them two!

Honorary Friends

I didn't include Children of the Atom because I had to take at least one Honorary X-Men for Adam Warlock, and I liked the health benefits. So I went with three Honoraries to create consistency instead of bottlenecking. However, take this as an opportunity to make the deck your own and let me know if you like CotA better! It's that d@mn CotA, it's so hot right now!

Once your friends are honorary, you can play Danger Room Training on them to make those activations really powerful.

Keep Your Health Up

If you use X-Mansion to heal your allies if any need it, use Crew Quarters and Down Time to make sure you can usually get back to full health each flip down. You'll either be doing your own defending or using statuses to survive the villain phase.

Also, if you just despise >40-card decks, remove 1 Suit Up.