Digging Deep With Bishop.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chillachilles · 20

Digging Deep seems pretty redundant with Bishop, but not when you discard with other abilities other than Bishops Hero ability. This is what you get with Call for Aid and only 2 Avengers, Kaluu and Black Panther. Bishop likes to have a big discard pile, and this deck further enhances that with Make the Call. The strategy here is to mulligan for a Call for Aid and preferably get Black Panther. When you play him you need to make sure you have a Make the Call in your discard to attach to Black Panther. This will give you access to all of your allies that go in the discard, via the ones from Bishops ability or the ones you discarded with Call for Aid and hopefully you pull off some Digging Deep cards with the latter. If you happen to pull up Kaluu no worries, you should be able to play him and hopefully pull off another Call for Aid or Energy Conversion, which will put all resources into a probably thin deck. This is where Bishop's AE ability is clutch. If you happen to draw a bunch of resource cards, you can flip to AE to pick up either Bishop's Rifle or Bishop's Uniform with the latter being the priority. This will keep you alive comfortably until you get Black Panther and a Make the Call attached. After that its smooth sailing as you can call on allies as needed, or if you have a hand with too many resources. Try to keep Black Panther within one activation of defeat, so that if you have a Rapid Response out and have one in hand, you can easily discard him via activation and play the next one. This will attach another Make the Call and keed the combo going. Another use for Digging Deepis to feed Super-Charged and in the situations where you have Adam Warlock out and it's the only card in hand, and of course, the more resource cards in your hand the better his uniform and rifle are. On a final note, don't feel shy to change to switch to AE on the off chance you end up with no resources, to pull Stored Energy to play some good cards, Moira MacTaggert is one that could benefit off of this, as you can only play her in AE. End of rant, hope you all enjoy!