The Uncanny Avenger - Voltron Rogue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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JacenSketch · 149

The Uncanny Avenger

A Voltron Rogue Build

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Ever since Rogue's release in the Nightcrawler hero pack, I have wanted to put her in a Voltron build. Sadly, this can be difficult, due to the fact that she is trapped by the protection aspect. However, Spider-Woman offers us a unique opportunity to help Rogue to branch out of her home aspect and into many others. Thus was birthed, "The Uncanny Avenger."

"Why this name?", you ask. One of my favorite comic book titles is "The Uncanny Avengers," and if you have read those books, you know what a key role Rogue plays in that story. I also find it quite amusing that she can gain the Avengers Trait from Spider-Woman when using her action. Thus it felt like a perfect name to me.

So How Does It Work?

Quite well, thank you for asking! You can watch it played at:

It's real simple. The goal is to get Rogue to the table as fast as possible, stack her up with upgrades, and use Spider-Woman to keep her alive.

  1. Mulligan hard for Rogue if you do not draw her turn one. You can use Suit Up to locate her and a cool upgrade to attach to her if you need to. I found that Pheromones helped me to stall long enough to find Rogue and get her build started.

  2. If need be, Squared Off can help you to play her quite effectively.

  3. Your two primary targets for upgrades are Protective Training and Sky Cycle. This helps Rogue to live a little longer and be able to activate twice. Once all of her upgrades are on her, she can swing for up to 10 damage a turn (15 if you happened to play Phoenix that turn)! That is wild! (I do recommend adding Power Gloves to your list of upgrades if possible, I just don't own it yet)

  4. Get your Med Teams on the table ASAP. You will want to keep Rogue alive. Northstar is also crucial to keeping the team alive.

  5. Finally have Spider-Woman defend and fill in where is needed. I found it helpful to have her flip almost every turn as well. The neat thing is most of the aspect cards in this deck are relatively cheap and help to boost her stats as well.

  6. Finally, play Teamwork,and Cyclops as needed.

You follow these steps and you will make short work of your enemies.

What Now?

Try the build and let me know what you think. I'd love some feedback, but mostly, I hope you have as much fun as I did playing this deck.