Black Panther - Protect Wakanda!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

madl3r · 19

Black Panther is the rightful protector of Wakanda, so playing Protection seems like an ideal fit thematically.

Thankfully, T’Challa’s kit pairs perfectly with the Protection aspect as Black Panther’s built-in Retaliate allows you to dish out a bit of damage even when defending.

As with most Black Panther decks, your goal is to quickly build up Black Panther’s arsenal of Upgrades including Vibranium Suit, Energy Daggers, Panther Claws, and Tactical Genius before using Wakanda Forever! to quickly deal with whatever threats are present on the board at any given moment.

To help you find your copies of Wakanda Forever!, you can use Brother Voodoo who lets you search the top 5 cards of your deck when he enters play, adding an Event card you find there to your hand.

The Golden City is also a great option for adding a couple extra cards to your hand when in Alter-Ego form before flipping back over to Black Panther.

You can tank quite a few hits as Black Panther, especially after equipping an Armored Vest to increase his base Defense to 3. And, with cards like Desperate Defense, Indomitable, and Unflappable you’ll gain bonuses after defending such as readying your hero or drawing a card.

If your health starts to get low in Hero form, Med Team is on standby for a quick heal, and Momentum Shift can heal you while dealing damage to the Villain or an engaged minion.

So, slip on your Vibranium Suit because you’ve got a city to defend!