Cat Karate Face Kick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Staglore · 394

Draw cards and win.

Build / Ramp

Vibranium Suit and Panther Claws are first priority in any Black Panther deck.
Followed by at least 1 DRAW/RESOURCE supports (Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, etc.


"You'll Pay for That!": Much needed threat control.

Mean Swing: Works with Panther Claws, Energy Daggers, and Jarnbjorn. Zero cost

Drop Kick: Stun and card draw. You could simply use the card draw when this triggers Jarnbjorn. Or set yourself up for a Press the Advantage OR a Wakanda Forever!

Press the Advantage: 1 for 2 damage. Triggers Jarnbjorn card draw shenanigans.


Hall of Heroes: Black Panther is pretty good at killing minions. Also, if you have 3 on it and The Golden City in play, that is some serious draw power.


Quincarrier: Helps with Jarnbjorn and Drop Kick.

The rest are pretty self-explanatory.


Lockjaw: For the occasional Resource flooded hand.

Spider-Girl: Turns on Press the Advantage if a minion is play.

The rest are just good.