Angel Supremacy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Frodo13 · 2

Economy: Because 10 cards cost three and three cards cost 4, there are 2 The Power of Flight to help with paying. With the normal 3 double resources and Angel's Avian Anatomy, most cards will be affordable. Also, Call for Backup will get you the ally you need and play it for free. Team-Building Exercise helps lower the cost for with many of the cards.

Speaking of Allies: Cannonball and your sidekick, Psylocke, are the main wants, but Hope Summer is great for finding my favorite superpower, Techno-Organic Wings for Angel. Well, okay, it's his only superpower, but it is a great one. All the other allies are aerial, which makes Air Supremacy a very useful card. Best case scenario is playing it when you have four allies out. Three of them (Psylocke unfortunately cannot be aerial) and Angel will be able to damage up to four enemies. Flying Formation is also great with at least three aerial allies out.

Strategy: Like most Leadership decks, this one centers on playing allies. The Triskelion is to get that fourth ally out, of course. Command Team helps readying them. Soaring Acrobatics may seem unnecessary, but it is really good with Cannonball—3 attack or thwart for no consequential damage as long as you have two aerial cards in your hand!

Let me know if you play this deck and how it goes.