Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Letterdenma · 207
The big, stoic muscle-man with the big gun is famously easy to build for, so here are my micro-optimisations when playing him in Aggression.

- "You'll Pay for That!": There aren't many heroes in the game that legitimately want to be punched in the face every turn - but since you're playing one, why not thwart for 3-5 (in Aggression! For one cost!)? It's not even limited to the main scheme!
- Resource cards: Getting to the point where you have six-plus resource cards and shoot/heal for lots every single turn is all very well, but you (a) need to survive to get set up in the first place, and (b) ideally want to actually get some use out of the resource cards in their own right. The Power of Aggression pays for allies and Hand Cannons, which are otherwise difficult to squeeze into your busy rifle-and-uniform schedule. Digging Deep only triggers off Goldballs and Sharpshooter, but I find it's generally more relevant than The Power in All of Us. Audacity would be a worthwhile substitute.
- Endurance and First Aid: After attempting to replace them with half a dozen alternatives, I keep coming back to the health suite. The simple reality is that Bishop wants to stay at 6+ health at all times (varying slightly depending on the villain deck), and often healing for two is enough that you don't need to press the emergency button and flip down for a turn - which you don't want to do if you can help it. Yes, Temporarily Displaced is a great ability, but it's not so great that you want to give up an activation and an Energy Absorption trigger except under sufferance.
- Flipping down: Speaking of which, Psylocke plus Professor X plus Tempus is as much coverage as you can reasonably squeeze in in Aggression + true solo. Sometimes you'll need to flip down unprotected, and sometimes it'll be the optimal play even if you're risking losing to Advance.
- The final addition of note is Hand Cannon. Their main job is to put Overkill on Super-Charged basic attacks, which lets you clear out some of the nastier minions without wasting the spare points of damage. Conveniently, they make The Power of Aggression a more attractive resource card pick, and give you a recurring option for Lock and Load (so it's not a dead card if you get Bishop's Rifle in your opening hand).
Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Deck:
- Toe to Toe: Good for clearing minions, but I'm not a fan of taking additional damage when the uniform can only be used once per round. The deck was originally called "Someone's gotta pay for that stubbed toe", though, so you can probably deduce that it was only cut very late in the process.
- Counterattack: Too clunky. I'd rather kill minions outright during the hero phase, and I've got plenty of ways of smacking the villain directly.
- Lockjaw: If I'm blowing resource cards it's going to be on cranking up Super-Charged, not on a 2/2 that takes two consequential per swing.
Jan 12, 2025 |
Jan 13, 2025
Of the two, I think I'd be more likely to favour Utopia (probably for Sharpshooter as it's also a build-out flex piece), and it's main role would be to untap Bishop to allow him to thwart more often. The deck as it stands isn't quite making optimal use of his 2 THW; everything's a trade-off, however! |
That deck looks wild, yet self-sustaining!
I want to try it out sometime. I think if I were to make changes the second time around to compare play differences, I would consider adding Boot Camp I like the idea of buffing all my allies over an extra card each turn, when taking damage gives me extra energy already and my allies will only block if I would absolutely take lethal to an attack. I would also strongly consider adding Utopia. I haven't looked into if/what I would remove, but those are just my initial thoughts
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