Spidey is Always Beat to Shit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Drazatis · 26

Spider-Man is by far and away my favorite character in the game; growing up I would watch Spider-Man cartoons, I’ve played numerous Spidey video games on the ps2 and onwards, watched all the movies opening day.. he’s just my favorite. One of the things I like most about Spidey in Marvel LCG though is the flavor his set of 15 brings to the table. Whether you’re blasting someone with a Swinging Web Kick out of nowhere, saving the group with Enhanced Spider-Sense, or just casually walking home beat to hell to have Aunt May nurse you back to health; Spidey does not dissapoint.

I’ve played Spider-Man in various shells since getting my mitts on this game; and honestly none of them have done his kit justice quite like Aggression has. Spider-Man’s synergy with Toe to Toe is my favorite interaction in this game! You wise crack at the villain, get the crap kicked out of you, and then figure out a way to ruin their day on the crackback in true Spider-Man fashion. The main reason this deck works so well is by leaning heavily on Aunt May to keep you topped off, and supplementing this berserker-esque playstyle with other self inflicted pain type cards like Counterattack and "You'll Pay for That!". Between May and Spidey’s innate 3 defense, you can spend the majority of the game in hero form without much worry; all the while leaning on some key allies and flex cards to clean up the table while you dig for your burst damage.

Since I enjoy Spidey’s interaction with Toe to Toe, I decided to load the deck up with ways to break parity with it while ALSO having a little bit of Utility in a multiplayer setting. Webbed Up, Drop Kick, and Mockingbird all do a fantastic job of locking down your villain and help us shove in an essentially free Toe to Toe; all the while holding up Backflip or just plain old blocking with either Spidey or his multiple friends.

Since this is a stun lock deck, Press the Advantage becomes a no brainer. 1 resource for 2 damage? It’s a Jarnbjorn. Oh wait, it cantrips?? Phenomenal. I’m personally only jamming 1 however because the vast majority of the deck is something I would rather play than any given turn, and it performs essentially the same job that Toe to Toe does in this deck. That being said, the card’s efficiency cannot be understated. Ping off a minion? Done. Draw it with Black Cat? Awesome. Make both Drop Kick and Press the Advantage cantrip in the same attack step? Trivago.

Valkyrie and Brawn are both in here to help shore up some of Spidey’s weaknesses; being minions and Thwart. Brawn essentially reads, “3 Resources, 5 Thwart 5 Attack.”, and Valkyrie helps by being an Uppercut that can also clear a small minion, or a More lopsided Melee. Card is nuts. Because I’m rocking 4 Allies, I see no need for Piercing Strike. Mockingbird and Brawn each only hit for one so I have no issue making them clear a Tough, but Black Cat’s whole f’ing job is to clear Tough forever. She Cantrips (and often given the amount of we run), and doesn’t hurt herself when she swings. Cat is also nuts.

Honestly not a huge fan of the The Power of Aggression, or any Powers in any deck to be frank; but without it I feel like Drop Kick loses nearly all of its consistency in the deck. Also would love to slot Sentry into the deck as he just oozes value, but I honestly have no idea what I would drop for him and I REFUSE to play more than 40 cards. Spidey can draw cards in this deck, 8 cards in the main let me do so alongside his passive; and that’s just enough to let me grind into Swinging Web Kick and prosper. Spider-Girl would normally be a shoe in for a deck that also runs Press the Advantage, but given that I’m happily only running one press I feel Spider-Girl loses her luster. Finally, I REALLY am not a fan of Combat Training. With Toe to Toe Spidey will be blocking OFTEN, and while clearing a 3 health minion is nice I don’t play Training often. I mostly kee it because it is a , and if not for the fact that I feel like I’d be sinning if I played an aggression deck without it.

Would love any and all criticisms and advice for this deck as I normally don’t play much aggression; currently a bit concerned with the energy layout of the deck and how it will end up interacting with Drop Kick in practice, but the variety of energy allows us to clear attachments fairly reliably as well so it’s a double edged sword. Let me know if you guys see anything you’d touch up!!